Awesome news!

How does:

As of now, ARM and Intel platform containers are published under the same name. So on an Intel machine "docker pull" will return the intel image, on an ARM machine that same pull will return the ARM image automatically, without needing to have a special .../iris-arm image.

relate to

  • docker pull
  • docker pull


Try to define your parameters in a structured way:

Set Httprequest.Location="api/gap/nodes"
Do Httprequest.InsertParam("filter_rssi", -75)
Do Httprequest.InsertParam("chip", 1)
Do Httprequest.InsertParam("mac", "CC:1B:E0:E2:3C:10")
Do Httprequest.InsertParam("active", 1)
Do Httprequest.InsertParam("event", 1)
Set tSc=Httprequest.Get()

Also Get has a test parameter, try setting it to 1 to see what's being sent and compare to a successful request.