This database stores audit information (actions users took during the instance lifetime).

Depending on your specific situation you might have to keep it for a while due to a contract or compliance reasons.

When DB grows unexpectedly these are the general steps:

1. Check that DB is actually full and not over-expanded. To do that go to SMP-> System Operation -> Databases -> HSAudit. Check % Free Space - that is a space allocated to IRIS.DTA but not used. You can reclaim it by truncating the database.

2. Run ^%GSIZE to get global report and see which globals are the largest. In your particular case, however, you can just go into Globals (from the Databases page) and check IRIS.AuditD which presumably consumes all the space (in details you can calculate space consumption).

3. Based on (2) results do something about the largest globals. In your case, if it's indeed IRIS.AuditD check which system events are logged most often and either fix that (if it's a PROTECT error for example), disable auditing for that particular event. Note that usually old audit entries are purged by a task, maybe something is wrong with that.


How does:

As of 2022.2 releases, ARM and Intel platform containers are published under the same name.

So on an Intel machine "docker pull" will return the intel image, on an ARM machine that same pull will return the ARM image automatically, without needing to have a special .../iris-arm image.

relate to

  • docker pull
  • docker pull


This question has been discussed with an AWS SWE and their answer is that as long as we're using a main route table for a VPC, it should survive an AZ failure and so we could update it even in the case of an AZ failure.

Additionally, this scenario has been tested (as far as we're able to simulate a failure) and it does work as expected.

While there is an endless variety of how things can fail, I'm reasonably sure that the approach outlined in the article is resilient to an AZ failure.

possible word delimiters weren't specified (space, tab, etc.)

Single whitespace

no specification about punctuation marks (allowed or disallowed)

No punctuation

no specification about empty words (allowed or disallowed) and how to handle them, if allowed

No empty words in input.

"O2K. I'1m" --> "I'm OK."
"spac4es are2    1There     ma3ny" --> "There are many spaces."

Not a valid input for this golf.

Something like this:


#define ZF_DLL  /* Required only for dynamically linked libraries. */
#include <cdzf.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wand/magick_wand.h>

#ifdef __linux__
	#include <dlfcn.h>

void resize(char *file, char *fileOut)
	MagickWand *m_wand = NULL;
	int width,height;
	m_wand = NewMagickWand();
	// Read the image - all you need to do is change "logo:" to some other
	// filename to have this resize and, if necessary, convert a different file
	MagickReadImage(m_wand, file);
	// Get the image's width and height
	width = MagickGetImageWidth(m_wand);
	height = MagickGetImageHeight(m_wand);
	// Cut them in half but make sure they don't underflow
	if((width /= 2) < 1)width = 1;
	if((height /= 2) < 1)height = 1;
	// Resize the image using the Lanczos filter
	// The blur factor is a "double", where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp
	// I haven't figured out how you would change the blur parameter of MagickResizeImage
	// on the command line so I have set it to its default of one.
	// Set the compression quality to 95 (high quality = low compression)
	/* Write the new image */
	MagickWriteImage(m_wand, fileOut);
	/* Clean up */
	if(m_wand)m_wand = DestroyMagickWand(m_wand);
	return ZF_SUCCESS;


You can now also use Embedded Python to resize images.

Here's how:

  • Install ghostscript system-wide (Linix: apt install ghostscript, Windows)
  • Download fonts, for example here's some cyrillic fonts (you need another font - it's just an example): PT Courier - Cyrillic
  • Extract TrueType font CRR35__C.TTF into any gs font folder
  • To list gs font folders execute: gs -help, in Windows its usually %ProgramFiles%\gs\gsVERSION\fonts, in Linux /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
  • Add MyFont info sourcing it from CRR35__C.TTF into gs font table: /MyFont (CRR35__C.TTF) ;
  • Font table in Windows: %ProgramFiles%\gs\gsVERSION\lib\Fontmap.GS, Linux: /usr/share/ghostscript/current/Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS

Nevermind, that's only if you want to use gs directly. For FOP follow these instructions.