Sure. To see deprecated classes for some version execute this query against it:

SELECT ID, Description FROM %Dictionary.ClassDefinition WHERE LOWER(Description) [ 'deprecated'

To see deprecated methods execute this query:

SELECT parent AS "Class", Name AS "Method", Description 
FROM %Dictionary.MethodDefinition 
WHERE LOWER(Description) [ 'deprecated'

And to see deprecated properties execute this query:

SELECT parent AS "Class", Name AS "Method", Description
FROM %Dictionary.PropertyDefinition 
WHERE LOWER(Description) [ 'deprecated'

Note, that this queries only return classes/methods/properties which contain "deprecated" in their definition. To catch deprecated inherited classes/methods/properties query %Dictionary.CompiledClass/%Dictionary.CompiledMethod/%Dictionary.CompiledProperty instead.

Consider adding links to cache documentation from the page that describes the issue, we now have version agnostic urls even. For example this issue could use a link to documentation.


Another question is: what's wrong with postconditionals? They exist not only in caché objectscript and in fact very useful as they allow elimination of all 3 lines blocks with one if condition and one action to execute if if is true. Can I disable an issue type for a project?

Sure. You could use %CELLZERO instead:

WITH  MEMBER [MEASURES].[Revenue as Percent of Total] AS 'Measures.[Amount Sold] / %MDX("select Measures.[Amount sold] on 1 
from holefoods","%CONTEXT","filters|columns")',FORMAT_STRING='##.##%;;;;' 
MEMBER [MEASURES].[Revenue Percent Cumulative] AS 'Measures.[Revenue as Percent of Total] + %CELLZERO(0,-1)',
NON EMPTY ORDER([Product].[P1].[Product Category].Members,Measures.[Amount Sold],BDESC) ON 1 FROM [HoleFoods] 

Jokes aside, why do you  need to remove %CELL usage?

Formatted your code a little.

getst(getvars, StBeg, temp) ; Save call stack in local or global array
 ; In:
 ; getvars = 1 - save variables defined at the last stack level
 ; getvars = 0 or omitted - don't save; default = 0
 ; StBeg - starting stack level for save; default: 1
 ; temp - where to save ($name).
 ; Out:
 ; temp - number of stack levels saved 
 ; temp(1) - call at StBeg level
 ; temp(2) - call at StBeg+1 level
 ; ...
 ; temp(temp) - call at StBeg+temp-1 level
 ; Calls are saved in format:
 ; label+offset^rouname +CommandNumberInsideCodeLine~CodeLine w/o leading spaces"
 ; E.g.:
 ; temp(3) = First+2^%ZUtil +3~i x=""1stAarg"" s x=x+1 s c=$$Null(x,y)"
 ; Sample calls:
 ; d getst^%ZUtil(0,1,$name(temp)) ; save calls w/o variables in temp starting from level 1
 ; d getst^%ZUtil(1,4,$name(^zerr($i(^zerr)))) ; save calls with variables in ^zerr starting from level 4
    new loop,zzz,StEnd
    set getvars = $get(getvars)
    set StBeg = $get(StBeg, 1) 
    kill @temp 
    set @temp = 0 
    set StEnd = $STACK(-1)-2
    for loop = StBeg:1:StEnd {
        set @temp = @temp+1
        set @temp@(@temp) = $STACK(loop, "PLACE") _ "~" _ $zstrip($STACK(loop, "MCODE"), "<W") 
        if getvars,(loop=StEnd) {
            set zzz="" 
            for { 
                set zzz = $order(@zzz)
                set @temp@(@temp,zzz) = $get(@zzz)
            if $zerror'="" {
                set @temp@(@temp,"$ze") = $zerror
     quit 1

I made the following changes:

1.  Changed

Set mimePart.ContentType = "application/pdf"


Set mimePart.ContentType = "application/x-object"

2. Commented out:

Do mimeMsg.SetHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; name=""Files1""; filename="""_docName_"""")          
Set mimeMsg.ContentTransferEncoding = "base64"

3. Uncommented:

 //Set req.ContentType = "multipart/form-data;boundary=" _mimeMsg.Boundary

After these change I received non-empty files object.

 "files": {
              "uploadedfile": "cd \\\r\n@echo start >> date.txt\r\n"

Howether. Here's some tips on how to ask questions like these (with not working code samples):

1.  It must run everywhere. Remove the calls to other code (hardcode values if needed), like:


2. Remove unused arguments, like coverpath

3. Remove non essential code like:

Set req.SSLConfiguration = "CardChoice"
Do req.InsertFormData("Username",##class(HData.SiteSettings).GetFaxLogin())
Do req.InsertFormData("Password",##class(HData.SiteSettings).GetFaxPassword())
Do req.InsertFormData("ProductId",##class(HData.SiteSettings).GetFaxProductId())
Do req.InsertFormData("cookies","false")
Do req.InsertFormData("header","header")

//Create job name for fax
Set sendDate = +$H
Set sendTime = $P($ZTIMESTAMP,",",2)+(15*60)
Set schedDate = $ZDATETIME(sendDate_","_sendTime,1,4)
Set schedDate = $E(schedDate,1,16)_" "_$E(schedDate,17,18)
Set docList = $LFS(docpath,"\")
Set docName = $LISTGET(docList,$LL(docList))
Do req.InsertFormData("JobName",schedDate_docName)
//format phone number and set billing code
Set num = $REPLACE(phone,"-","")
Do req.InsertFormData("BillingCode",num)
Do req.InsertFormData("Numbers1",num)
//get notification email
Set email = ##class(HData.SiteSettings).GetFaxNotifyEmail()
If (email '= "") Do req.InsertFormData("FeedbackEmail",email)

4. Comment out unused and misleading code paths like

Set base64 = ##class(%SYSTEM.Encryption).Base64Encode(docStream)
Set mimeMsg.ContentTransferEncoding = "base64"

5. Provide a GitHub Gist snippet of an xml file (with the code) to import and write how to run it.

Your goal, is to make it extremely easy for everyone to take a look at your snippet. All the process must consist of these two steps:

  1. Drag&Drop xml file into Studio
  2. Copy&Paste a line into a terminal