As I understand, you need Caché users + some way to:

  • Store additional information
  • Provide methods for web-login-account management
  • Provide additional security checks

I guess domains could be used, okay. Also, here's somewhat related thread.

>And if so, when deploying updates to the applications, would each domain/user-pool context be replicated environments

> that would each need to be updated?

Why? You have production server with real users and a test one(s) with some test users.

One approach would be to use %XML.DataSet to convert SQL results into XML:

Set result=##class(%XML.DataSet).%New()                                  
Do result.Prepare("SELECT TOP 3 ID, Name FROM Sample.Person")
Do result.Execute()                                                      1
Do result.WriteXML("root",,,,,1) 


<s:schema id="DefaultDataSet" xmlns="" attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:s="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
  <s:element name="DefaultDataSet" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
      <s:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <s:element name="SQL">
              <s:element name="ID" type="s:long" minOccurs="0" />
              <s:element name="Name" type="s:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <s:unique name="Constraint1" msdata:PrimaryKey="true">
      <s:selector xpath=".//SQL" />
      <s:field xpath="ID" />
<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
<DefaultDataSet xmlns="">
  <SQL diffgr:id="SQL1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
    <Name>Adam,Wolfgang F.</Name>
  <SQL diffgr:id="SQL2" msdata:rowOrder="1">
    <Name>Adams,Phil H.</Name>
  <SQL diffgr:id="SQL3" msdata:rowOrder="2">
    <Name>Ahmed,Edward V.</Name>

There is also %SQL.Export.Mgr class, which does SQL export.


I often need to run queries from a terminal, so I extended Caché ObjectScript with zsql command to run queries and display the results. Here's how it works:

 zsql "SELECT TOP 2 Name FROM Sample.Person"

Would output:

Adams,Chris Z.
Adams,Danielle P

To achieve it I created %ZLANGC00 mac routine with the following code:

 ; %ZLANGC00
 ; custom commands for ObjectScript

/// Execute Query and display the results
/// Call like this:
/// zsql "SELECT TOP 10 Name FROM Sample.Person"
  #Dim ResultSet As %SQL.StatementResult
  Set ResultSet = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(, Query)
  Do ResultSet.%Display()

Save and compile it and then you can execute sql (class queries too) in a terminal with zsql command:

zsql "SELECT * FROM Sample.SP_Sample_By_Name('Z')"

That said I myself prefer executing SQL queries in SMP because you don't need to type them there (drag&drop from the left panel or copy&paste from the code) - it's very convenient.

Since project is a collection of classes (and other items, yes, but we're talking about classes here) the  flow would be something like that:

  • Get project name
  • Project name to class list
  • Get unit tests for class list
  • Run unit tests

I'm just saying that 3rd step can have more callers (alternative routes to 3rd step if you will), for example:

  • Package to class list
  • Wildcard expression to class list
  • Namespace to class list

> you could not implement singleton which will be working across jobs, only for this same process;

Storing something in %/PPG would not work across jobs too. Singleton is a single-thread anyway.

> to share instance to teh object you could emply %-named variable or process-private global.

Wrote another singleton using % variable. How would I do it with PPG (any global)?  When you set global to an OREF it actually sets a string: "int@class".  And you could not  convert it back to an OREF with $$$objIntToOref at a later date because the object would be already destroyed.

/// Another singleton
Class Utils.Singleton2 Extends %SystemBase

Property Content As %String;

/// Set a = ##class(Utils.Singleton2).Get()
ClassMethod Get() As Utils.Singleton2
    #Define Var %Var
    If '$Data($$$Var) || '$IsObject($$$Var) {
        Set Obj = ..%New()
        Set $$$Var = Obj
    } Else {
        Set Obj = $$$Var
    Return Obj

/// Do ##class(Utils.Singleton2).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
    Set a = ##class(Utils.Singleton2).Get()
    Set a.Content = $Random(100)
    Set b = ##class(Utils.Singleton2).Get()
    Write b.Content


A very interesting question. I decided to write a singleton, with the idea that it searches process memory for other instances of this class and returns existing OREF if found. It also stores data in global and retrives it from there on a first load:

/// Singleton pattern implementation
Class Utils.Singleton Extends %Library.SystemBase

/// Global to store content
Parameter Global = "^Singleton";

/// Actual object content
/// It can be be anything: string or a dynamic object
Property Content As %String;

/// This method finds OREF for an object of a current class if it exists in a current process
ClassMethod GetOref() As %Integer
    // Get current classname
    Set Cls = $ClassName()
    Set OREF = $$$NULLOREF
    // This query returns a list of all object instances currently in memory within the current process.
    &sql(SELECT Count(OREF),OREF INTO :Count,:OREFTemp FROM %SYSTEM.OBJ_ObjectList() WHERE ClassName=:Cls)
    If Count'=0 {    
        Set OREF = OREFTemp
    Return OREF

/// If no object of this class is found in process memory
/// then a new one would be returned
/// with Content value taken from global
/// If there is an object of this class in memory
/// then it would be returned
ClassMethod Get() As Utils.Singleton
    Set OREF = ..GetOref()
    If OREF = $$$NULLOREF {
        Set Obj = ..%New()
    } Else {
        // Convert integer-oref into real OREF
        Set Obj = $$$objIntToOref(OREF)
    Return Obj

/// Test singleton object
/// Do ##class(Utils.Singleton).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
    Set a = ##class(Utils.Singleton).Get()
    Set a.Content = $Random(100)
    Set b = ##class(Utils.Singleton).Get()
    Write "object b: " _ b.Content,!
    Do a.Save()
    Set c = ##class(Utils.Singleton).Get()
    Write "object c: " _ c.Content

/// Constructor, loads data from global
Method %OnNew() As %Status
    // Return:($Stack($Stack-2,"PLACE")'["Get") $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Сall Get method")
    Set ..Content = $Get(@..#Global)
    Return $$$OK

/// Saves data to global
Method Save()
    Set @..#Global = ..Content



Do ##class(Utils.Singleton).Test()

I tried to disable direct instantiation with $Stack checking, but it seems to fail from a terminal. I think it would work from non-interactive code, but I had not checked. Another way would be to set some variable in Get method and check it from %OnNew() method.

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