You can open this (any) method in Studio and see the definition (with some rare exceptions, in iKnow package only  %iKnow.TextTransformation.HeaderRepositorySetArray and %iKnow.TextTransformation.KeyRepositorySetArray classes are not availible). It's the best way to get an idea of how method works and the code usually even has comments.

Scrapped from GetSimilar():

  1. Select the most probably relevant terms in the source (top N)
  2. Select all sources containing at least one of these N target elements
  3. Sort these candidates by the number of target elements they share with the  reference documents (approximate score)
  4. Of these sources, calculate the actual similarity score for the top M sources with the best approximate score
  5. Now store the page window in the final result PPG

Hi. About your second question, you can easily extend Caché ObjectScript, to do it. Wouldn't recommend it for use in production, but why not add some syntax sugar on you dev instance?

Create %ZLANGC00 mac routine with the following code:

 ; %ZLANGC00
 ; custom commands for ObjectScript

/// Execute Query and display the results
/// Call like this:
/// zsql "SELECT TOP 10 Name FROM Sample.Person"
  #Dim ResultSet As %SQL.StatementResult
  Set ResultSet = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(, Query)
  Do ResultSet.%Display()

Save and compile it and then you can execute sql in a terminal like this:

zsql "SELECT TOP 10 Name FROM Sample.Person"

It would display something like this:

SAMPLES>zsql "SELECT TOP 10 Name FROM Sample.Person"
Adam,Wolfgang F.
Adams,Phil H.
Ahmed,Edward V.
Ahmed,Michael O.
Ahmed,Patrick O.
Allen,Zelda P.
Alton,Samantha F.
Bach,Buzz E.
Bach,Fred X.
Bach,Patrick Y.
10 Rows(s) Affected

That said I myself prefer executing SQL queries in SMP because you don't need to type them there (drag&drop from the left panel or copy&paste from the code) - it's very convenient.

InterSystems University Outreach Program (Russia). Each developer has his's own machine with his own Caché/Ensemble instance. We use Git source control system and there are several Studio integration plugins we offer, but mainly Cache-tort-git. Changes are commited to a central GitHub repository preferably via pull-requests (see GitHub workflow). Changes from GitHub repository are automatically pulled to a production server(s) with Cache GitHub Continuous Integration tool.

Also ##Expression macro preprocessor command can be masked and distributed along several macros (which in turn can be distributed across several inc files). For example consider the following class:

Class Utils.Macro Extends %RegisteredObject

/// do ##class(Utils.Macro).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
    #define Tab #
    #define Indent $$$Tab$$$Tab
    #define Start Expre
    #define End ssion($$$Call)
    #define Call ##class(Utils.Macro).GenerateNewClassObject(%classname)
    #define All $$$Indent $$$Start$$$End
    set b=$$$All

ClassMethod GenerateNewClassObject(cls As %String)
    // custom logic depending on class may be implemented
    q "##class("_cls_").%New()"


Note, that in this example full-text search for ##Expression would yield nothing.

In here GenerateNewClassObject method would be executed on Utils.Macro class compilation. because $$$All macro would be evaluated to:


Which in turn would be evaluated on the last line:  set b=$$$All where GenerateNewClassObject would be called by ##Expression command.


So I guess don't compile Caché ObjectScript from untrusted sources at all or check carefully what you compile.

ClassMethod way to set a language for a session is:

Do ##class(%MessageDictionary).SetSessionLanguage(lang)

The interesting case would be $$$Text("englishtext") macros getting compiled on a new instance under a session in other language. Under these conditions the ^CacheMsg global would be written with "englishtext" values under session language. Which would be set as a default language for this domain (Messages in $$$Text are presumed to be written in domain default language, unless specified otherwise).

To prevent that set domain default language or change  session language before the compilation.

As far as I remember importing message dictionary does not set default language for the domain itself.