Use args... to supply a variable number of parameters:

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf(args...) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    do %code.WriteLine("    For i=1:1:args {")
    do %code.WriteLine("        Write args(i)")
    do %code.WriteLine("    }")
    do %code.WriteLine("    Set tSC = $$$OK")

can I generate a whole method at compile time?

You can use projections to do that. Here's an example.

Assuming you have a sync mirror established, adding new db to mirror is as simple as:

  1. Create DB on Primary.
  2. Run SYS.Mirror:AddDatabase. It returns %Status, check that it's ok with $$$ISOK(sc). It should be equal to 1.
  3. Dismount database on Primary (using SYS.Database:DismountDatabase) OR Freeze IRIS (Backup.General:ExternalFreeze).
  4. Copy IRIS.DAT to Backup.
  5. Mount database on Primary (using SYS.Database:MountDatabase) OR Thaw IRIS (Backup.General:ExternalThaw).
  6. Mount database on Backup.
  7. Activate database on Backup (SYS.Mirror:ActivateMirroredDatabase).
  8. Catchup database on Backup (SYS.Mirror:CatchupDB).

Please note that some methods accept db name, most accept db directory, and others db sfn. Please keep that in mind.

Eduard, Is the  rate at which one BS can process known or is it variable based on data unit to be processed?

It is variable based on data unit to be processed. Data unit (file) size varies between 1Kb and 100Mb.

Similarly is the rate of arrival known or possible to detect?

IRIS BS pulls messages, so as soon as BS job is done with the message, next message is pulled from the external queue (AWS SQS).

Is the design to have all the processing of a data unit in the BS rather than pass to a BP/BO?

Yes, it's a stateless app, so I need to process message and report success/error immediately since container can be reprovisioned at any time.