go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Apr 1, 2023 Calling @Bob Kuszewski. My JAVA_HOME is a is a JRE (C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_361) not a JDK if that matters? No, it should not. I can't seem to edit the External Language Servers in the management portal Please stop it before editing. You also should be able to create a new External Language Server.
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 31, 2023 What's the Undefined config value on TEST and PROD: zn "%SYS" set sc=##Class(Config.Miscellaneous).Get(.p) write p("Undefined")
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 23, 2023 here I want to capture the error details in trace , log , that I can see in production web page If you want to quit processiong, it's enough to either quit: quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc Or raise an error (if you're several levels deep for example): $$$TOE(sc, sc) If you don't want to interrupt processing, use $$$LOG macroes, for example: $$$LOGWARNING($System.Status.GetErrorText(sc)) This code would create a new Log entry of a warning type.
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 10, 2023 Project the list of geo.model.Point as a separate table: Class geo.model.Line Extends %Persistent { Property points As list Of geo.model.Point(SQLPROJECTION = "table/column"); } And you can use SQL query (via iris.sql) to get all points in line: SELECT points_latitude, points_longitude FROM geo_model.Line_points WHERE Line = ? ORDER BY element_key If you have thousands of points that would likely be the fastest way to transfer (barring callin/callout shenanigans).
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 6, 2023 I guess you need to flush the buffer so only python writes? Something like this should work: Class Python.App.Dispatch Extends %CSP.REST { XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "https://www.intersystems.com/urlmap" ] { <Routes> <Route Url="/test" Method="GET" Call="Wrapper" /> </Routes> } ClassMethod Wrapper() { write *-3 do ..Hello() q $$$OK } ClassMethod Hello() [ Language = python ] { import iris print('Hello World') } } Calling @Bob Kuszewski
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 3, 2023 62 s a=$zcvt(a,"U") for i=1:1:90{return:$l(a,$c(i))>2 0} q 1
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 2, 2023 Oh, right. You're on Ensemble 2014.1. I highly recommend updating to the latest Ensemble version or even better migrating to InterSystems IRIS.
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 2, 2023 Last line: S obj={}.%FromJSON(Httprequest.HttpResponse.Data)
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Mar 2, 2023 Easiest way would be to add %JSON.Adapter and use JSON for interop.
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Feb 28, 2023 Awesome! About label+offset^routine. How would recent Improvements to how IRIS classes are generated and called would affect error messages from class methods? Pinging @Mark Hanson.
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Feb 23, 2023 Great! Does it work through default Publish/Subscribe interoperability hosts? Or is it something custom? If custom, any reason why?
go to post Eduard Lebedyuk · Feb 22, 2023 do $zf(-100, "/SHELL", "echo", $zcvt("test тест", "O", "UTF8")) test тест