@Michael Davidovich I was out Friday, so still catching up on all this - glad you were able to figure out coverage.list. That's generally a better way to go for automation than setting a list of classes.

re: the plugin, yes, that's it! There's a GitHub issue that's probably the same here: https://github.com/timleavitt/covcomplplot-plugin/issues/1 - it's back on my radar given what you're seeing.

On further review, you get a <FUNCTION> error from trying to start the line-by-line monitor when no routines are selected, and the work around is to change namespace to %SYS, do ^PERFMON, and stop the monitor.

USER>zw ##class(%Monitor.System.LineByLine).Start("","",$job)
"0 "_$lb($lb(5002,"<FUNCTION>zStart+45^%Monitor.System.LineByLine.1",,,,,,,,$lb(,"USER",$lb("$^zStart+45^%Monitor.System.LineByLine.1 +1","X^@ +1"))))/* ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <FUNCTION>zStart+45^%Monitor.System.LineByLine.1 */

In terms of using the test coverage tool, you should either put a file named coverage.list in your unit test root or pass the list of classes/routines in userParam as described at https://github.com/intersystems/TestCoverage .

https://github.com/intersystems/TestCoverage/issues/11 covers the bad behavior you've seen and would prevent it going forward. (Subsequent attempts to start the line-by-line monitor will end up hitting error #6060 as described in https://github.com/intersystems/TestCoverage/issues/10 .)

Things I mentioned in the kickoff webinar:

%SQL.AbstractFind/%Library.FunctionalIndex implementations:
Semantic version index:
Spatial index: https://github.com/intersystems-ru/spatialindex
Image color index: https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/iris-image-index-demo

Inspiration for a project:
Implement a hierarchical index that operates on a table with a self-referential field (e.g., an employee table with a manager field) to return (via a %SQL.AbstractFind implementation) all records above (directly/indirectly), below (directly/indirectly), or in the same tree (or graph - need to consider circular references) as a given record.

Here's a sample that loads interoperability system defaults from an XML file:

Class Sample.CCREventHandler Extends %Studio.SourceControl.CCREventHandler

/// This method is called during the loading of an ItemSet, after the contents of the ItemSet have been loaded into the namespace, 
/// and after the ImplementCCR routine has been run
Method ItemSetAfterLoadToNS() As %Status
    set key = ""
    for {
        set item = ..ItemSetItemList.GetNext(.key)
        if (key [ "backup/ens/defaults.xml") {
    Quit ##super()

/// This method is called by the CCR Refresh logic, after the items have been refreshed into the namespace.  It is intended for any additional configuration work which 
/// may be necessary (e.g. initialization of reference tables, building of 3rd party sources, etc)
Method RefreshFinalize() As %Status
    Quit ##super()


What I'm trying to do is manage the process spawned with $zf(-100) from ObjectScript. In short, if the ObjectScript process is killed or <INTERRUPT>ed (which you can't do while in a ZF state), I want to kill the spawned process as well.

More specifically, I have a main ObjectScript process that's monitoring an Angular build. It spawns another ObjectScript process that used to just call $zf(-100) synchronously to run a build script. This other process would then notify the parent via $System.Event when it's done. Normally this build script will run for a finite period of time, but I'm looking to run an Angular build with the --watch flag and terminate it when the user Ctrl+C's in Terminal.