With $zf(-100) the command and its individual flags are separate arguments to the function rather than being concatenated in one string - I'd recommend trying something more like:

set sc = $ZF(-100,"/STDIN="""_imageFile_""" /STDOUT="""_tempFile_"""","magick","fd:0","-resize","640x480","fd:1")

For more details see https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

In communication outside of this thread, turns out the issue stemmed from a failed %Save() - something like:

Class DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo Extends %Persistent

Property Foo As %String(VALUELIST = ",Bar");

ClassMethod RunDemo()
    Do ..%KillExtent()
    Set thingOne = ..%New()
    Set thingOne.Foo = "Bar"
    Do thingOne.%Save()
    Set thingOne.Foo = "Baz"
    Do thingOne.%Save()
    // Later, and elsewhere, because thingOne happens to be in memory,
    // it appears that the value "Baz" has been persisted:
    Set thingTwo = ..%OpenId(thingOne.%Id())
    Write !,"thingOne = ",thingOne
    Write !,"thingTwo = ",thingTwo
    Write !,"thingOne.Foo = ",thingOne.Foo
    Write !,"thingTwo.Foo = ",thingTwo.Foo
    Write !,"thingOne.FooGetStored(thingOne.%Id()) = ",thingOne.FooGetStored(thingOne.%Id())
    Do thingTwo.%Reload()
    Write !,"After thingTwo.%Reload(), thingOne.Foo = ",thingOne.Foo
    Write !,"After thingTwo.%Reload(), thingTwo.Foo = ",thingOne.Foo


Which produces output:

Do ##class(DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo).RunDemo()
thingOne = 15@DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo
thingTwo = 15@DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo
thingOne.Foo = Baz
thingTwo.Foo = Baz
thingOne.FooGetStored(thingOne.%Id()) = Bar
After thingTwo.%Reload(), thingOne.Foo = Bar
After thingTwo.%Reload(), thingTwo.Foo = Bar

If I understand what you're asking correctly, this is a really great question that hits on a kind of tricky aspect of ObjectScript/persistence. In short, if you already have a persistent object in memory (with a variable, say thingOne, assigned to it), and you open the same ID again and assign another variable to it (say, thingTwo), the OREF will be reused - both variables will point to the same object, and that one in-memory instance of the object can be modified via either variable. This can easily lead to some confusing scenarios.

Here's a quick demonstration of the fact:

Class DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo Extends %Persistent

Property Foo As %String;

ClassMethod RunDemo()
    Do ..%KillExtent()
    Set thingOne = ..%New()
    Set thingOne.Foo = "Bar"
    Do thingOne.%Save()
    Set thingTwo = ..%OpenId(thingOne.%Id())
    Set thingTwo.Foo = "Baz"
    Write !,"thingOne = ",thingOne
    Write !,"thingTwo = ",thingTwo
    Write !,"thingOne.Foo = ",thingOne.Foo
    Write !,"thingTwo.Foo = ",thingTwo.Foo


Running the method produces the output:

Do ##class(DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo).RunDemo()

thingOne = 18@DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo
thingTwo = 18@DC.Demo.OREFOIDDemo
thingOne.Foo = Baz
thingTwo.Foo = Baz

It may surprise you that thingOne.Foo has also been set to "Baz" - but as you can see, thingOne and thingTwo reference the same object.

Note that if for some reason I wanted to know the current persisted value of thingOne.Foo, I could use:


@Evgeny Shvarov there's internal work in the HS package manager to support packaging as a studio project, which may optionally include deployed code. (I believe this didn't make it into the ZPM fork.)

The downside to this approach is that you may need different artifacts for different target platform versions. (It's always safest to assume that you do, at least on the major.minor level.) This would be a new design consideration in zpm-registry.

One possible upside to this approach is that it may be possible to install the build artifact even on environments that don't have the package manager. For the internal implementation we generate an INSTALL.mac that automates things from the different resource processor classes. Uninstallation is still a bit of a conundrum though; I think we'd be better off requiring the package manager for any ZPM implementation of packaging/installing deployed code.

I can think of one extremely valuable internal project that would only be palatable to distribute via ZPM if we didn't have to ship all the source (specifically, a Mockito-style mock framework for ObjectScript that breaks the glass on some internal things not shipped in product source).

Given that SQLCODE is 100 (in other comment thread), might you have an index on %ConfigName that has not been built?

What do you see from the following queries?

select * from X_X.X where %ConfigName IN ('X_X_X','Y_Y_Y')

select * from %IGNOREINDEX * X_X.X where %ConfigName IN ('X_X_X','Y_Y_Y')

Also, is X_X.X the table corresponding to the class where the property is defined?

Short answer: yes, ZPM can manage whatever you want other than ObjectScript, it just takes a little extra work.

Longer answer:

This "extra work" involves writing a class that extends %ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.Abstract and overrides OnBeforePhase or OnAfterPhase, then implementing whatever behavior you want. You can see a bunch of classes in the %ZPM.PackageManager.Developer.Processor package that do this.

I'd imagine being able to put something in the Resources element of module.xml like:

<Resource Name="/external-dependencies/some-package" ProcessorClass="MyPackage.AptGetInstall" />

Where MyPackage.AptGetInstall overrides OnAfterPhase and for the "Activate" phase runs apt-get install <name of resource following "/external-dependencies/"

The catch:

If you want to support all operating systems, think about what the Windows equivalent would be and/or add defensive coding to avoid trying to run the command on Windows.

Here's how I'd typically do something like that, going back to my example from one of your earlier questions and expanding a bit. The persistent class as a new %Boolean property named "Toggleable" (not a magical name - you can call it whatever you like), and the tablePane has <column> elements added. The query supplying data for the table has the ID and Toggleable columns added as well. The "Toggleable" column has OnDrawCell defined to provide custom HTML for the cells in the table; this references an ObjectScript method (which doesn't need to be, and in fact shouldn't be, a ZenMethod). That ObjectScript method renders HTML which calls a ZenMethod to actually do the update, using query results from the %query variable (which is a special thing that's available for use in OnDrawCell). No table refresh is needed, but if you refresh the page you'll see that the checkbox values have indeed been persisted.

Here's the Zen XData change:

<tablePane id="myTable" OnCreateResultSet="CreateResultSet" valueColumn="ID">
<parameter value="" />
<parameter value="" />
<parameter value="" />
<column colName="ID" hidden="true" />
<column colName="Name" />
<column colName="SomeDate" />
<column colName="Toggleable" OnDrawCell="DrawToggleCell" />

And corresponding ObjectScript methods:

/// Note: this doesn't need to be a ZenMethod.
ClassMethod DrawToggleCell(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pColName As %String, pSeed As %String) As %Status
    &html<<input type="checkbox" #($Case(%query("Toggleable"),1:"checked",:""))# onchange="zenPage.Toggle(#(..QuoteJS(%query("ID")))#,this.checked)" />>
    Quit $$$OK

ClassMethod Toggle(pID As %String, pValue As %Boolean) [ ZenMethod ]
    Set obj = ##class(DC.Demo.SampleData).%OpenId(pID,,.sc)
    Set obj.Toggleable = pValue

Here's the full sample:

Class DC.Demo.SampleData Extends (%Persistent, %Populate)

Property Name As %String;

Property SomeDate As %Date;

Property Toggleable As %Boolean;


Class DC.Demo.ZenPage Extends %ZEN.Component.page

XData Contents [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/zen" ]
<page xmlns="http://www.intersystems.com/zen">
<fieldSet legend="Filter" layout="horizontal">
<text label="Name Starts With:" onchange="zen('myTable').setProperty('parameters',1,zenThis.getValue())" />
<dateText label="Start Date:" onchange="zen('myTable').setProperty('parameters',2,zenThis.getValue())" />
<dateText label="End Date:" onchange="zen('myTable').setProperty('parameters',3,zenThis.getValue())" />
<tablePane id="myTable" OnCreateResultSet="CreateResultSet" valueColumn="ID">
<parameter value="" />
<parameter value="" />
<parameter value="" />
<column colName="ID" hidden="true" />
<column colName="Name" />
<column colName="SomeDate" />
<column colName="Toggleable" OnDrawCell="DrawToggleCell" />
<button onclick="zenPage.Populate()" caption="Repopulate Data" />

ClassMethod CreateResultSet(Output pSC As %Status, pInfo As %ZEN.Auxiliary.QueryInfo) As %SQL.Statement
    Set nameFilter = pInfo.parms(1)
    Set startDateFilter = pInfo.parms(2) // Will be in ODBC format
    Set endDateFilter = pInfo.parms(3) // Will be in ODBC format
    Set query = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
    Set query.%SelectMode = 1
    Set sql = "select ID, Name, SomeDate, Toggleable from DC_Demo.SampleData"
    Set conditions = ""
    If (nameFilter '= "") {
        Set conditions = conditions_$ListBuild("Name %STARTSWITH ?")
        Set parameters($i(parameters)) = nameFilter
    If (startDateFilter '= "") && (endDateFilter '= "") {
        // Yes, this could just be independent AND'ed conditions on start/end date,
        // which would reduce code complexity, but you wanted to see BETWEEN, so... :)
        Set conditions = conditions_$ListBuild("SomeDate BETWEEN ? and ?")
        Set parameters($i(parameters)) = startDateFilter
        Set parameters($i(parameters)) = endDateFilter
    } ElseIf (startDateFilter '= "") {
        Set conditions = conditions_$ListBuild("SomeDate >= ?")
        Set parameters($i(parameters)) = startDateFilter
    } ElseIf (endDateFilter '= "") {
        Set conditions = conditions_$ListBuild("SomeDate <= ?")
        Set parameters($i(parameters)) = endDateFilter
    If (conditions '= "") {
        Set sql = sql _ " where "_$ListToString(conditions," and ")
    Set pSC = query.%Prepare(sql)
    If $$$ISERR(pSC) {
        Quit $$$NULLOREF
    //Important: Reduce to only the parameters specified/used.
    Kill pInfo.parms
    Merge pInfo.parms = parameters
    Quit query

ClassMethod Populate() [ ZenMethod ]
    Do ##class(DC.Demo.SampleData).%KillExtent()
    Do ##class(DC.Demo.SampleData).Populate(20,,,,0)

/// Note: this doesn't need to be a ZenMethod.
ClassMethod DrawToggleCell(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pColName As %String, pSeed As %String) As %Status
    &html<<input type="checkbox" #($Case(%query("Toggleable"),1:"checked",:""))# onchange="zenPage.Toggle(#(..QuoteJS(%query("ID")))#,this.checked)" />>
    Quit $$$OK

ClassMethod Toggle(pID As %String, pValue As %Boolean) [ ZenMethod ]
    Set obj = ##class(DC.Demo.SampleData).%OpenId(pID,,.sc)
    Set obj.Toggleable = pValue


If the CSPGateway is configured properly you should certainly be able to make a REST request to the webserver rather than needing to use the private webserver port. Reading this again I think the issue isn't the header you saw but actually is mixed content - see e.g. https://www.howtogeek.com/443032/what-is-mixed-content-and-why-is-chrome...

In the browser developer tools this will show up as:

So you really need to make the request via https - which is what you said in the first place, of course! And the best way to do that will be via your IIS webserver, which might already be configured correctly, and (if it's not) can be configured using the instructions I linked to above.

Here's a quick sample:

Class DC.Demo.XDataDemo

ClassMethod Driver()
    Set array = ..GetXDataContents("DC.Demo")
    zw array

ClassMethod GetXDataContents(package As %String) As %Library.ArrayOfObjects
    Set array = ##class(%Library.ArrayOfObjects).%New()
    Set class = ""
    For {
        Set class = $Order(classes(class))
        Set xDataName = ""
        For {
            Set xDataName = $$$defMemberNext(class,$$$cCLASSxdata,xDataName)
            Set xdata = ##class(%Dictionary.XDataDefinition).IDKEYOpen(class,xDataName,,.sc)
            Do array.SetAt(xdata.Data,class_":"_xDataName)
    Quit array

XData Foo

XData Bar


Note that this gets XData blocks defined in a class; if you want to get "inherited" XData blocks listed for each subclass along with the inherited content it's only slightly more complex:

ClassMethod GetXDataContents(package As %String) As %Library.ArrayOfObjects
    Set array = ##class(%Library.ArrayOfObjects).%New()
    Set class = ""
    For {
        Set class = $Order(classes(class))
        Set xDataName = ""
        For {
            Set xDataName = $$$comMemberNext(class,$$$cCLASSxdata,xDataName)
            Set origin = $$$comMemberKeyGet(class,$$$cCLASSxdata,xDataName,$$$cXDATAorigin)
            Set xdata = ##class(%Dictionary.XDataDefinition).IDKEYOpen(origin,xDataName,,.sc)
            Do array.SetAt(xdata.Data,class_":"_xDataName)
    Quit array

First off, you should strongly consider using a production webserver, not the built-in one. On configuring the CSPGateway for this, see https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...

You might also need to investigate CORS settings - https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GREST_... is helpful reading on this.