· Nov 26, 2018
BPL - Foreach IF statement

As part of a BPL I am building I need to foreach over a some repeating elements and look for a certain value, if said value is present I need to forward the message to another operation.

I can't seem to get the if statement inside the foreach loop to work and I think I am doing something wrong?

The error message I am getting:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zS2+2^GWH.Messages.Eobs.AKISegmentCheck.Thread1.1 *k1 -- logged as '-' number - @' Set k1=request.GetNextIndex("PIDgrpgrp("_(1)_").ORCgrp()",k1,.tSCTrans)'

Can anyone explain that error to me?

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We are currently in the process of migrating from Ensemble to Healthshare and I have been advised Healthshare works with the IDE Atelier.

Does anyone know if you can change the views for transforms like you can in Studio? IE to see the .dtl, .cls and the .INT?

It would be nice to be able to visually view the transforms like you can with Studio.


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