what happened is, I selected a user to investigate their entries. I didn't enter a start date.

After hitting search, the query timed out, (or i cancelled it, I don't recall).

Now, when I go to that page, the browser processes and nothing is displayed.

I cleared my browser's cache, and I still get a blank page.

I'm running on Win10.

I use Chrome as my default browser. The problem also happens in Fire Fox.

i can log in as a different user and the page displays as expected.

How can I correct this situation?


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Hey Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Migrate off the Private Web Server - Windows

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I am planning upgrade my PC OS to windows 10 to Windows 11.

There is any compactibility issue is with windows 11 with JReport and Intersystes Studio.

Intersystems Studio Version: - InterSystems Studio Client 2021.1.0 Build 215
Server IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215_0_21953U)

JReport Designer Version :- JReport Designer 15.5

Anyone help to know there is any compactibility issue is there.

Thanks in Advance.

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