· Mar 5, 2021 3m read
Fraud Management with InterSystems IRIS

Organizations around the world lose an estimated five percent of their annual revenues to fraud, according to a survey of Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) who investigated cases between January 2010 and December 2011. Applied to the estimated 2011 Gross World Product, this figure translates to a potential total fraud loss of more than $3.5 trillion (source:

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Using SOAP Web Services or REST API Resources, if you want to deliver strategic digital assets for your organization, SOA aproach is an excellent option. The InterSystems IRIS supports like a charm the SOA principles with Contract First technique to model services aligned with the business, and create the services from the service contracts (Open API or WSDL).

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· Aug 22, 2020 1m read
Transition from Cache to IRIS: Value Canvas

Some clients ask me about migrate from Cache to IRIS. Why migrate to IRIS? Cache is excellent, stable, has good performance. These clients are right, but in the last years, the digital transformation imposed more complete solutions for the new requirements and InterSystems was a visionary to perceive it and launch IRIS.
It is a data platform ready to this digital transformation challenge. To show this, I created a Value Canvas.

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Database systems have very specific backup requirements that in enterprise deployments require forethought and planning. For database systems, the operational goal of a backup solution is to create a copy of the data in a state that is equivalent to when application is shut down gracefully. Application consistent backups meet these requirements and Caché provides a set of APIs that facilitate the integration with external solutions to achieve this level of backup consistency.

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For those that, at some point, need to test what means that of ECP for horizontal escalability (computing power and/or users and processes concurrency), but they're lazy o have no much time to build the environment, configure the server nodes, etc..., I've just published in Open Exchange the app/sample OPNEx-ECP Deployment .

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Often times support and sales engineers are asked about recent benchmark results on various platforms and large scale configurations. These will be made available here in the Developer Community in the "Documentation" section, and as an example here's a link to a recent Intel E7 v2 series processor benchmark.é-and-intel-processors-0

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