Presenter: André Cerri
Task: Use third-party visualization tools to present your DeepSee data
Approach: Use DeepSee REST services to access DeepSee data from third-party tools

Come see examples of how you can use popular 3rd party data visualization tools to access your DeepSee data.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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The DeepSee Shell Best Practices Series - Example of using the MDX subquery flag in the DeepSee Shell

We have different flags for DeepSee advisors to look into the execution details and the methods DeepSee is using to do calculations.

flag [flagname] [on|off] – Turn a diagnostic on or off.

flag cmbr on|off – Show current member processing.

flag compound on|off – Show rewrite of compound queries.

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The DeepSee Shell best Practices Series - Execute an MDX query in the DeepSee Shell with/without results cache

This cache is different from cache reset. Cache reset clears everything in the namespace but “cache off” only clears the cache in ^DeepSee.Cache.Results and ^DeepSee.Cache.Axis global node for the corresponding cube. The difference is quite smaller in the case as below, but in some cases it can be a big difference.

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