We're trying to get a little more discipline around Web Gateway change control, and deploy changes to our CSP.ini from source control. I was wondering if anyone cared to share their best practices in this area? There is a "RELOAD" parameter (https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...) which says you can put RELOAD=1 in your CSP.ini file in order to force it to automatically activate when noticed by the daemon.

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There are a select few in the group that have been using Github as a Local Client push to a Repository setup in GitHub. Questions were brought up today about the security, and possible issues when it comes to data being pushed in this method.

Looking over code we have noticed that there is Histogram data within some of the class files that could be considered a security issue. Does anyone else have concerns with the Histogram data being within the class files pushed up to github?

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