Question Michael Wood · Jan 15 Using context variable in code block I need to use a context variable in my code block for the table to query. When I use :content.table, it does not work. When using the literal, it does. How do I get the :context to work? #Business Process (BPL) #SQL #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 4 0 57
Question Smythe Smythee · Jan 15 How to remove line from a XML file Hi Community, I need to remove first tag from a XML file in service and send file to the process ,how do i remove line from the File and process it Thanks, Smythee #Business Process (BPL) #Business Service #XML #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 1 57
Question Michael Wood · Jan 13 %Source value into a BPL context parameter I have a Service reading a flat file and routing to a Process. Does anyone know how to get the %Source value into a BPL context parameter? #Business Process (BPL) #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 33
Question Ali Chaib · Feb 7 Handling FHIR Responses in InterSystems – Transforming to SDA I understand that InterSystems provides functions to facilitate transactions between FHIR and HL7 via the SDA segment. My question is: #API #Business Process (BPL) #FHIR #JSON #REST API #XML #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 17