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Henry Pereira · Apr 6, 2022

So, Where's my money

two persistent classes with a one-to-many relationship: Category and Transaction. ``` Class dc.soWhereIsMyMoney.Category Extends %Persistent { Index IdxName On Name
ED Coder · Jul 31, 2019

Remove a segment from the HL7 Message

version. Are you sure you're looking at the right message? Yes Jeff, I was looking at the cloned message that was sent across. I removed by index now, and it works. so looking good
Stefan Wittmann · Jul 20, 2020

InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health 2020.3 preview is published

for deferred indexing Support for Spark 2.4.4 InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.3 includes all of the enhancements of InterSystems IRIS. In addition, this release includes APIs
Jayvee Rato · Jul 31, 2018

Cache List Of Objects Connection

(SQLPROJECTION = "table/column", STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");Property containerRemarks As %String;Index classIndex [ Extent, Type = bitmap ];} Hi Stephen,I don't have any issue on connection
Utsavi Gajjar · Jul 28, 2021

Cleaning up null elements from JSON payload

"},null],"content":[{"title":"Test.pdf","data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"}]} Be careful with multiple %Remove, it moves the index. So, the next %Remove in a row, will remove the wrong item
Jordan Simpson · Jul 20, 2021

Looping Through Grouped NTE Segments

this by first of all getting the segment index and then removing the segment referenced (commented out below). I am then getting the full segment string and importing
Evgeny Shvarov · Mar 7, 2019

Embedded SQL vs ObjectScript SQL. What do you prefer and why

: set value = ##class(test).<PropertyName>GetStored(ID) If you know unique indexed value but don't know ID, it's possible to get id with Exists method: ClassMethod <
Norman W. Freeman · Feb 8, 2023

Why are "Exclusive_e->Delock" needed when saving persistent objects in a transaction ? (and can they be avoided

: Class Test.Test Extends %Persistent { Property ID As %Integer [ Required ]; Index IDKEY On ID [ IdKey ]; //... } I think delocks are needed because
Hermann Tegermann · May 17, 2022

What's better: Local Variable Arrays or Process Private Globals

limit, but it's far away compared to local variables.PPGs are best suited as Storage location + Index location of temporary tables.Without limit as any ordinary Global. So
Muhammad Waseem · May 13

Vector Search : Application to demonstrate Vector Search and Generative AI capabilities

'] = document_embeddings.tolist() # iterate through dataframe for index, row in df.iterrows(): # call SaveVector method of same class iris.cls(__name__).SaveVector(row['description'],str(row
Stefan Wittmann · May 31, 2016

Introducing the Document Data Model in Caché 2016.2

aggregation if you want to group by something that is part of the key. But the value is just a value. You cannot access specific sub-elements within the value or index them
Sergei Sarkisian · Dec 30, 2016

UI for Ensemble Workflow in Angular

']; $ = function (index) { if ($ { $('.alert:nth-child(' + (index + 1) + ')').animate({ opacity: 0, top: "-=150" }, 400, function
Mark Bolinsky · Mar 6, 2020

InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1 HL7 Benchmark

in the Workload Description and Methodology section. The tested workloads comprised HL7v2 Patient Administration (ADT) and Observation Result (ORU) payloads and included transformations and re
Yone Moreno · Jan 25, 2021

How could we retrieve an image from an external system using Ensemble

to our ESB REST Service using POSTMAN to the patient 9999 The external system replies that it has been succesfuly uploaded If we get this image directly from the external
Eduard Lebedyuk · Aug 12, 2020

Calling production from a REST Broker

to the clinet. Possible repsonses are, - 200 in which case I return requested data e.g. Patient demographics - 404 Patient not found - 500 - Internal Server Error