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Michael Davidovich · Mar 21

OAuth 2.0 Resource Service Scope Check Fail

in a for loop. Further inspection reveals ..ATIndexOpen is an 'Index Open' generated method. So it's trying to open some object with the ATIndex of that encrypted token. Not sure how
Daniel Kutac · May 3, 2017

InterSystems IRIS Open Authorization Framework (OAuth 2.0) implementation - part 3

.AccessTokenPersistentOAuth2.AccessToken stores an OAuth 2.0 access token and its related information. This is an OAUTH client copy of the access token.OAuth2.AccessToken is indexed
Yone Moreno Jimenez · May 21

Join JSON responses

": "Patient", "id": "id", "name
Scott Roth · Nov 3, 2017

Executing Dynamic SQL as Execute Querry

=query_" (SELECT Patient.Patientkey,ProviderID,RefProv.LastName, RefProv.FirstName " set query =query_" FROM Paceart.PATIENT as Patient INNER JOIN Paceart.PATIENT_PROVIDER
Pradip Patoliya · Jul 7, 2018

Error: CSP application closed the connection before sending a responce

as possible.Thanks in advance. 1. Yes, We have index on PhoneDateODBC2. As i have mentioned that i am using the Intersystem ODBC driver to connect the cache database. And it is failed
Muhammad Waseem · Aug 12

An Overview of Vector Search functionality

VECTOR(DOUBLE, 384)) ) if (SQLCODE '= 0) { //Create index &SQL(CREATE COLUMNAR INDEX IVectorLab on VectorLab(description_vector
Sergey Kamenev · Nov 11, 2019

Transactions in Global InterSystems IRIS

, to meet the requirement of consistency, you need to include an index change in the same transaction as a global node value change. Say, for example, we have a global ^person
Sarah Schlegel · Sep 7, 2022

REST JSON webservices presentation

(for example all the episodes of a given patient); Open: get a specific row from its internal ID or a unique key (for example the episode number for a given episode); Save
José Pereira · Jan 30

Converting generic data into FHIR with IRIS-FHIRfy

basic patient information into FHIR format. I informed her that I didn't know anything like that, unfortunately. But that idea stays in my mind... Several months later
Mihoko Iijima · Feb 23

Using an Azure bot to access IRIS

linked to the patient. Overview of how the bot application works below: (1) In an application like Teams, a user asks "Hello". Teams sends the message to the "Bot Framework
Randy Pallotta · Jun 7, 2016

Using Ensemble SQL Operations for Selects, Updates, Inserts, and Stored Procedure calls

a select statement to see if a given patient MRN exists in a DB2: The ExecSP Operation shows how to execute a stored procedure from a BO3: the Update Operation does an Update4
Anna Golitsyna · Feb 5, 2021

Need on Audit event functionality

: Either you fix it or your patient is gone. Robert, that's what I initially thought too and it's indeed mostly so but not 100%: the old style %RI is actually calling the new style
Bryan Scown · Feb 7, 2022

Interoperability Software Engineer - Behavioral Health EHR platform

technology solutions that exponentially improve behavioral healthcare quality to better serve mental health providers and their patients. We’re seeking enthusiastic, passionate
Saptarshi Sengupta · Jan 24, 2020

Intersystems and JReport

(#Roche) will also be very interested in having JReport integrated with IRIS in order to generate pdf files given specific data (i.e.: a screen table, a patient test)
Andy Stobirski · Nov 14, 2023

Cleaning text, removing characters which break XPATH

patient confidential data from a proprietary system. I'll look into what I can do.I can answer a few though: XML Character Encoding is declared as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF