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Robert Cemper · Jan 30, 2022

My Reviews on Open Exchange - Jan.2022

4 dataset-finance clean and and complete exercise 5.0 y 5 Health Dataset nice DB for 270 anonymous patients 5.0 y 6 objectscript-json-patch excellent
Dmitry Maslennikov · Jul 2, 2023

Profile ObjectScript with more power

patients. This uncovers some interesting discoveries, like, about 40% of the time is spent on IndexResource And about 20% to ValidateResource Of course, this can't be very accurate
Anastasia Dyubaylo · Feb 5

Winners of InterSystems FHIR and Digital Health Interoperability Contest

to the fhirmessageverification app by @珊珊.喻 🌟 $100 go to the Clinical Mindmap Viewer app by @Yuri.Gomes 🌟 $100 go to the Patient-PSI-Data app by @Chang.Dao
Birun Balami · Mar 27, 2019

Sending Messages on the Top of Queue

. As the patient demographic data and "stat" lab orders should always be prioritized over routine order messages, a "high" priority value would be set for those messages during in-engine
Don Rozwick · Mar 22, 2017

How to Search the stream in Message Browser for a EnsLib.HTTP.GenericMessage

://" xmlns:xsi=""> <Stream> { "patient": { "identifier": "E23456778", "token": "PQOIWUE)&!@TT
Phil Burkhalter · May 1

Parsing a JSON message

": "", "ControlId": "", "Patient": "idz", "DateOfOperation": "20240401", "PrimarySurgeon": "you", "AttendingSurgeon": "me", "SurgicalSpecialty": "12
Matthew Giesmann · Nov 8, 2016

Introduction to Outlier Selectivity

indexes, 90% vs. 3% of a table can make a big performance difference and can again change which query plan the SQL engine chooses. # Queries with Outlier Selectivity Outlier
Peter Cooper · May 11, 2018

Replacing ZEN - Part 3 - Progress to date 01

Index to Articles Hi All It's been 6 weeks since my original article - - - - -but I have been busy on this project I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement
Yone Moreno · Aug 4, 2021

Convert a %String property with CDATA and XML content to Ensemble object

contador= tResultList.Count() /// ¿Por qué sale contrador = 0? $$$LOGINFO("contador es: "_contador) if (contador>0){ for index=1:1:tResultList.Count
Nael Nasereldeen · Dec 10, 2019

Using %JSON.Adaptor to Export Complex Objects with relationships of 'many to many' type

, %JSON.Adaptor, %Populate){ Relationship Student As TafnitTest.Student [ Cardinality = one, Inverse = Teachers ]; Index StudentIndex On Student; Relationship Tracher As TafnitTest.Teacher
Anastasia Dyubaylo · Mar 8, 2021

InterSystems Grand Prix Contest: CONGRATS THE WINNERS

place: iris-image-index-demo by @José.Pereira 🏅 5th place: Terminal Multi-Line Command Editor​​​​ by @Robert.Cemper1003 🏅 6th place: Dictionary comparison
Jose Antonio Cañizares · Jul 14, 2017

Is there a way to map a $lb() to its data model

positioning to match their $list index according to their property definition index. But you will need to describe each property to detect their types and if they are instantiable. In case
Jeff Harris · Jul 8, 2020

Ensemble - How do I change the order in which addenda segments appear in the OBX

where a new Addenda begins and ends, and it also very happily creates a numbered index for me. Clearly being new to DTL, is it possible to feed the content from OBX|1| and OBX|2
Lawrence Grace · Sep 12, 2019

How to use Rest API in DeepSee

and build your cube, which will create a fact table (and several other tables) to store an indexed copy of the data you have specified. There is documentation on defining cube
Evgeny Shvarov · May 29, 2017

Globals vs Locals: What Is Faster

Hi, colleagues!Consider you need to put some (less than 1GB) data to an indexed array and do some data manipulations and calculations with it.Should I prefer global or local