· Apr 11, 2018

Why can I not 'Assign' request directly to a context variable ?

I am rather new to ObjectScript and I have a query about assigning values to the context.

In  BPL I have a context variable (A08Msg) which is set to type Enslib.HL7.Message, I want to put my inbound HL7 message into this variable so I tried:

  • an Assign to set context.A08Msg to request

This seemed to load the message into the variable because I could read values, e.g. using  context.A08Msg.{PD1:3(1).1} , but I was unable to write to context.A08Msg.

As an alternate method I built a dummy transform that transformed request into context.A08Msg , using this methodI was able to both read and write to context.A08Msg.

I would prefer not to have dummy DTLs laying around and so I was wondering if anyone could explain why I can transform into a context variable but not just assign into it, (my suspicion is that maybe I am dealing with pointers/OREFs).

Could anyone help me understand what is going wrong here,  and suggest how I can load the incoming 'request' into the context variable and be able to write to it without a DTL?

Thanks, Andy 

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Thanks Eduard,

I determined that I could not write by later in the BPL assigning a value to context.A08Msg.{PD1:4(2).1} which did not save the changes; however,  when I changed the BPL to load context.A08Msg by calling a Transform  - a DTL which simply passed the source (request) to the target(context.A08Msg) - then the assign to context.A08Msg.{PD1:4(2).1} worked as expected.

I suspect the problem lies in the fact that request is an ens.request object while A08Msg is an EnsLib.HL7.Message object (as Robert suggested, but which does not seem to have been added as a comment).

Thanks for the response, I will try the request.%ConstructClone(1) method to see what effect this has.

Thanks for the answers Robert. 

It is a valid point when you mention the object type... my context.A08Msg was set to Enslib.HL7.Message whereas the request type is ens.Request; this could explain why I could not simply assign the request directly into context.A08Msg? 

Could I look 'inside' the request object to find the HL7 message payload? 

 but I was unable to write to context.A08Msg.

How did you determine that?

Generally it's not a good idea to pass whole objects received from somewhere else, especially if they could be changed down the road. If we're talking about persistent objects then they have ids and all references to persistent objects are stored as ids in the database. At runtime the id is read and the object is loaded into memory as required.

Ensemble BPL process is a state machine that loads and unloads context to/from disk often, so if some other Ensemble host changes the object it would also change in the base BP after reload cycle and that can cause problems.

As a workaround you can assign clones, that is safe:

<assign property='context.A08Msg' value='request.%ConstructClone(1)'/>