· Nov 29, 2023

What would be the best way to import a very large XML-file into a production, modifying it depending on certain conditions, and creating a new XML file?

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the vague title! But I wonder what would be the best way to easily import a large XML-file into a production, modifying it by deleting elements and nodes depending on what values are in those nodes/elements and later creating whole new XML-file from that?

I have gone through this: Using Caché XML Tools | Caché & Ensemble 2018.1.4 – 2018.1.8 (

But I get the sense that there are a lot of ways of approaching this, but I do not know what is the most effective for my certain needs.

I appreciate the help! Thanks beforehand! :)


Product version: IRIS 2023.2
Discussion (5)3
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