· Jun 23, 2017 3m read

Terminal tip: Running OS-level commands

When working at the Caché command prompt I sometimes want to run an operating system command on the server host. By prefixing my command line with ! or $ I can do this with ease. The following examples are from 2017.1 on Windows, but the feature is available on all versions and platforms:

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2EF9-50B3
 Directory of c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\user
12/06/2017  12:41    <DIR>          .
12/06/2017  12:41    <DIR>          ..
02/02/2017  18:05        11,534,336 CACHE.DAT
16/06/2017  12:05                36 cache.lck
07/11/2016  17:18    <DIR>          stream
               2 File(s)     11,534,372 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  83,540,684,800 bytes free
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2EF9-50B3
 Directory of c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\user
12/06/2017  12:41    <DIR>          .
12/06/2017  12:41    <DIR>          ..
02/02/2017  18:05        11,534,336 CACHE.DAT
16/06/2017  12:05                36 cache.lck
07/11/2016  17:18    <DIR>          stream
               2 File(s)     11,534,372 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  83,075,710,976 bytes free

If I need to issue more than one command I can almost get myself an interactive shell:
c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\user\> dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2EF9-50B3
 Directory of c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\user
12/06/2017  12:41    <DIR>          .
12/06/2017  12:41    <DIR>          ..
02/02/2017  18:05        11,534,336 CACHE.DAT
16/06/2017  12:05                36 cache.lck
07/11/2016  17:18    <DIR>          stream
               2 File(s)     11,534,372 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  83,075,211,264 bytes free
c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\user\> date
The current date is: 23/06/2017
Enter the new date: (dd-mm-yy)
c:\intersystems\ens171\mgr\user\> exit

I wrote "almost" because in the example above the 'date' command prompted me to enter a new date but didn't wait for my keystrokes. It behaved as though I had immediately pressed Enter.

Still, I find it a useful feature.

To use it you will need the %System_Callout:USE privilege.

More documentation here.

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