· May 7, 2018

Strange Messages During Class Compilation (oops: ...)

During programmatic classes compilation performed by the code like this:

set status=$system.OBJ.Load(updaterFile,"cruk-d",,.resList)

strange messages appear in console log, e.g.

05/06/18-15:54:12:424 (308512) 0 oops: was expecting crc 0x21e96e85,5a4c8b2c for rtn (Update.Import.1) rbufnum-15523
05/06/18-16:17:45:305 (4224) 0 oops: was expecting crc 0x21e96e85,5a4c8b2c for rtn (Update.Import.1) rbufnum-15523
05/06/18-16:22:30:485 (4224) 0 oops: was expecting crc 0x21e96e85,5a4c8b2c for rtn (Update.Import.1) rbufnum-15523...(repeated 3 times)

Classes that were concerned stayed not compiled (with old object code untouched) till they were recompiled manually. To be fair, it happened only ones during several years.

I met such kind of messages several years ago in our development environment during attempts to compile a class that was opened for editing by somebody else. In the case under discussion it was very unlikely as it happened in production environment with no developers on site.

What are the possible reasons of such errors? 

(Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.1.4)

Discussion (12)1
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The developer insists that the attempt to compile the class was before its first call. Here is a fragment of his internal log. Alas, no idea how to reproduce the error as so called Updater is not a new project and runs without any problem at many production sites.

[06.05.2018 15:54:11.897] Starting importing classes
[06.05.2018 15:54:11.897] &,Update.Import
Error while importing classes: ERROR #5123: Could not find an entry point 'zguiUpdateFileAction' in routine 'Update.Import.1'
  > ERROR #5030: Error compiling class Update.Import
ERROR #5123: Could not find an entry point 'zguiUpdateFileAction' in routine 'Update.Import.1'
   > ERROR #5030: Error compiling class Update.Import
[06.05.2018 15:54:12.382] Classes sucessfully imported
[06.05.2018 15:54:12.382] Starting importing globals
[06.05.2018 15:54:12.382] There is no globalList
[06.05.2018 15:54:12.382] Starting processing afterAction
[06.05.2018 15:54:12.382] d ##class(Update.Import).update(0)
Error while processing afterAction: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>processAfterAction+30^updaterV201712261