· Feb 9, 2018

SQL prepare error

I'm trying to learn how To use SQL in CACHE, so I hope I don't bore you with "Dumb" questions.... 

I'm getting "ERROR #6022: Gateway failed" message following this line of code. 

s sc=gc.Prepare(hstmt,pQuery) 

This line of code comes from an example I found in the documentation.  pQuery is the "Select" statement setting up the variables and tables I'm trying to pull information from. 

What does that error indicate? 

Thank you. 

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For reference, you can get a list of error codes from General Error Codes and SQL Error Codes .  From the error description, it seems to be complaining about the 1st parameter.

If the 'gc' object is a %SQL.Statement then the %Prepare method only takes one parameter. What happens when you pass in pQuery to the %Prepare method?

Have you tried executing the SQL in the SQL Shell or System Management Portal?

do $System.SQL.Shell()