· Aug 26, 2021

Specific error code for messages that are manually aborted by a user

New to Health Connect so please forgive me if this is a stupid question! Is there a specific error code returned when a user initiates an abort from the jobs tab of the business host? I want to be able to treat the Abort as Completed due to our complex business process. Currently, hitting abort just retries the message to the same business operation. Want I want to do is provide the error code used by the Abort (if there is one) and treat it as OK

Thanks in advance.

Product version: IRIS 2019.1
Discussion (4)1
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Thank you @Vic Sun @Eduard Lebedyuk and Robert for all responding to this query. I've realised that our Business Process were set to E=R which is was causing it to re-attempt immediately after abortin the message from the operation. As the operations are retry indefinitely unless aborted, we've settled for E=D, which means we can then abort from the process. Thanks again. Lewis