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Member since Oct 23, 2020
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One thing to be aware of is if you use messages.log to track IRIS.DAT growth the shrinking of IRISTEMP either through a delete or reset will throw off those numbers. 

@Timo Lindenschmid's point is a good one. Setting a max size can be done from SMP or in %SYS with ^DATABASE but that likely means you will have issues sooner.
MaxIRISTempSizeAtStart documentation.

As noted in the documentation the ExternalFreeze() can not last longer then 10 minutes or however long it takes you to run out of global buffers.

You could use irisstat :
iris stat [INSTNACE] | grep WDSUSPD # this will show you if the write daemon are suspended.
iris stat [INSTNACE] -W #this will resume them.

As a guess you are running out of buffers and the options are to move the snapshot to a less busy time on the system and/or increase the number of global buffers.
Look at using mgstat to find a better time to do the backup.

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