· Oct 5, 2016

Rule Editor - Property Does Not Exist - PID:PatientIDInternalID()

I'm trying to read PID-3 and route the message based on if a certain prefix existed, but I keep getting Property Does Not Exist.

I've tried

HL7.(PID:PatientIDInternalID()) Contains "COS"

HL7.(PID:PatientIDInternalID(1)) Contains "COS"

HL7.{PID:PatientIDInternalID()} Contains "COS"

HL7.{PID:PatientIDInternalID(1)} Contains "COS"

This is a 2.3 MDM message. Thanks!

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I have successfully used the Parenthesis () Syntax with the Contains functions in a routing rule condition.  Your first example should be working as you expect it to.

I would like to work with you on this issue in a WRC case as I believe that it will take some investigation in order to identify what is causing the rule not to fire.

I will email you shortly with a WRC number and a couple questions.

Jeff Morgan

Ensemble Support