· Feb 23, 2024

Reply Code Actions How to Not Retry and just suspend message

Hi All,

When resending HL7 messages out, the receiving system rejects the message indicating the "Message Control ID already exists" (see error below). Iris retries resending the same message until the receiving system crashes and the BO disconnects in Iris. I would like to suspend the message when Iris receives that error and move on to the next message. Is this possible? Can it be handled by the BO Reply Code Actions settings? What reply code actions should I use? 

The error comes back when using the default Reply Code Actions ':?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C'

ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Retrying HL7 Message body 8@EnsLib.HL7.Message / 8077640 because response 9@EnsLib.HL7.Message MSA code 'AR'
matched ReplyCodeActions 1-6 : ':?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W', resulting in Action code RF : MSH| ^~\&|STTX|YRMCBB|EPIC|YRMC|20240223100642.33-0700||ACK ^O01^ACK|148952|T|2.5.1 MSA|AR|852 ERR|||207 ^Application internal error ^HL70357^^^^^^400742-Interface Message Control ID already exists.|E


I tried all of these codes together in Reply Code Actions ':?R=F,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C' (I just removed "R" from the first action <RF> from default code actions), and resent some messages. Messages status shows "Completed"; messages were not suspended, and Iris recorded warning... "Unrecognized reply code:'':?R'  "

Thank you!

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
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To summarize the documentation :

  • ReplyCodeActions settings of HL7 operations is a comma-separated list of specifiers in the form <code>=<actions>, where <code> is an expression matching error condition(s) and <actions> is a string of one letter action codes.
  • All codes where <actions> consists of only 'W' (for 'log a Warning') will be evaluated, and a warning will be generated for each matching <code>.
  • Other <code> values will be evaluated in left-to-right order, executing the first matching <code> that has a non-warning <actions> value. As noted in the details for the 'W' flag, an error that only triggers 'W' <actions> will be treated as Completed OK.
  • if ReplyCodeActions is empty, a default setting is used. For HL7 operations, it is : 
    • :?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C

To match the application reject code in the HL7 ACK^O01 message in the example, and suspend all matching messages, use the following specifier, that matches all ACKs with MSA:1 = "AR" and suspend message, while retaining default behavior for other error conditions : 
