· Aug 29, 2023 8m read

QuinielaML - Data Capture with Embedded Python

We continue with the series of articles based on the QuinielaML application.

In today's article I will describe how to work with the Embedded Python functionality available in InterSystems products.

Embedded Python allows us to use Python as a programming language within our productions, being able to take advantage of all the features available in Python. Here you can expand information about it.

First of all, let's remember what the designer of the architecture of our project is like:

Problematic to solve

In our case, we need to obtain the historical results of the First and Second Division matches since the year 2000. We have found a BDFutbol website, which provides us with all this data, so web scraping seems the most appropriate solution.

What is web scraping?

Web scraping is the technique of automatically capturing information from web pages by simulating navigation in the same way that a human would.

In order to carry out web scraping we must look for two types of libraries, the first that allows us to invoke the URLs from which we want to obtain the information and the second that allows us to go through the captured web page and extract the necessary information. For the first case we will use the requests library, while for the second we have found beautifulsoup4, you can take a look at its documentation.

Embedded Python configuration with Docker

In order to make use of the Python libraries from our IRIS instance in Docker we must add the following commands in our Dockerfile:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0

With these commands we are installing Python in our container, then we will install the necessary libraries that we have registered in the requirements.txt file.


To install it, it will be enough with the following command in our Dockerfile:

RUN pip3 install -r /requirements.txt

Ya tendríamos todo preparado en nuestro contenedor para utilizar las librerías de Python necesarias en nuestra producción.

IRIS Production configuration

The first step will be to configure in our class responsible for receiving calls from the frontend a specific method to manage data import requests:

Class QUINIELA.WS.Service Extends %CSP.REST

Parameter HandleCorsRequest = 0;
Parameter CHARSET = "utf-8";
XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
	<Route Url="/getPrediction" Method="GET" Call="GetPrediction" />
    <Route Url="/import" Method="GET" Call="ImportRawMatches" />
    <Route Url="/getStatus/:operation" Method="GET" Call="GetStatus" />
    <Route Url="/prepare" Method="GET" Call="PrepareData" />
    <Route Url="/train" Method="GET" Call="TrainData" />
    <Route Url="/getReferees" Method="GET" Call="GetReferees" />
    <Route Url="/getTeams" Method="GET" Call="GetTeams" />
	<Route Url="/saveMatch" Method="POST" Call="SaveMatch" />
    <Route Url="/deleteMatch/:matchId" Method="DELETE" Call="DeleteMatch" />
    <Route Url="/saveResult" Method="POST" Call="SaveResult" />
    <Route Url="/getMatches/:division" Method="GET" Call="GetMatches" />

Any call with a URL ending in /import will be handled from the ImportRawMatches method, let's see the method in more detail:

ClassMethod ImportRawMatches() As %DynamicObject
    Try {
        Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%SetContentType("application/json")
        If '##class(%REST.Impl).%CheckAccepts("application/json") Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%ReportRESTError(..#HTTP406NOTACCEPTABLE,$$$ERROR($$$RESTBadAccepts)) Quit
        set newRequest = ##class(QUINIELA.Message.OperationRequest).%New()
        set newRequest.Operation = "Import"
        set status = ##class(Ens.Director).CreateBusinessService("QUINIELA.BS.FromWSBS", .instance)
       	set response = ##class(QUINIELA.Message.ImportResponse).%New()
        set response.Status = "In Process"
        set response.Operation = "Import"
        set status = instance.SendRequestAsync("QUINIELA.BP.ImportBPL", newRequest, .response)
        if $ISOBJECT(response) {	        
            Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%SetStatusCode("200")
            return response.%JSONExport()
    } Catch (ex) {
        Do ##class(%REST.Impl).%SetStatusCode("400")
        return ex.DisplayString()

As we can see we are calling the BPL ImportBPL in an asynchronous way, in such a way that we avoid possible timeout problems. Let's take a look at the production layout:

Let's open ImportBPL and see how we manage the import of the matches:

In a first task we create a message that indicates the status of the import, then we invoke a Business Operation that will be in charge of cleaning the tables in charge of storing the match data, once the import has been completed and confirmed. success in the preparation of the tables we will move on to the part in which we will perform the web scraping:

As you can see in the task flow, we will asynchronously launch a call to the Business Operation QUINIELA.BO.ImportBO in which, using Python, we will retrieve the information on historical results. To speed up data retrieval we have divided the results retrieval into two asynchronous tasks, one for the First Division and one for the Second Division that will be executed in parallel.

Class Method to import data using Python

Next we are going to analyze the Class Method that is in charge of carrying out the Web scraping.

ClassMethod ImportFromWeb(division As %String) As %String [ Language = python ]
  from os import path
  from pathlib import PurePath
  import sys

  from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  import requests

  import iris

  directory = '/shared/files/urls'+division+'.txt'
  responses = 1
  with open(directory.replace('\\', '\\\\'), 'r') as fh:
      urls = fh.readlines()
      urls = [url.strip() for url in urls]  # strip `\n`

      for url in urls:
          file_name = PurePath(url).name
          file_path = path.join('.', file_name)
          raw_html = ''

              response = requests.get(url)
              if response.ok:                        
                  raw_html = response.text
                  html = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser')
                  for match in html.body.find_all('tr', 'jornadai'):                            
                      count = 0
                      matchObject = iris.cls('QUINIELA.Object.RawMatch')._New()
                      matchObject.Journey = match.get('data-jornada')
                      for specificMatch in match.children:                                                                
                          if is not None and == 'td' and len(specificMatch.contents) > 0:
                              match count:
                                  case 0:
                                      matchObject.Day = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                                  case 1:
                                      matchObject.LocalTeam = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                                  case 2:
                                      if specificMatch.div is not None and specificMatch.div.a is not None and specificMatch.div.a.contents is not None and len(specificMatch.div.a.contents) > 1:
                                        matchObject.GoalsLocal = specificMatch.div.a.contents[0].text
                                        matchObject.GoalsVisitor = specificMatch.div.a.contents[1].text
                                  case 3:
                                      matchObject.VisitorTeam = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                                  case 5:
                                      matchObject.Referee = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                              matchObject.Division = division                                    
                              count = count + 1
                      if (matchObject.Day != '' and matchObject.GoalsLocal != '' and matchObject.GoalsVisitor != ''):
                          status = matchObject._Save()
          except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc:
              return exc
  return responses

Let's see in detail the most relevant lines of this method.

  • Importing the required libraries request, BeautifulSoup, and iris:
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import requests
    import iris
  • Invoking the URL and capturing its response in a variable:
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.ok:                        
        raw_html = response.text
         html = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser')
  •  Analysis and extraction of relevant data from each match and creation of a QUINIELA.Object.RawMatch type object that will be stored in the IRIS database:
    for match in html.body.find_all('tr', 'jornadai'):                            
      count = 0
      matchObject = iris.cls('QUINIELA.Object.RawMatch')._New()
      matchObject.Journey = match.get('data-jornada')
      for specificMatch in match.children:                                                                
          if is not None and == 'td' and len(specificMatch.contents) > 0:
              match count:
                  case 0:
                      matchObject.Day = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                  case 1:
                      matchObject.LocalTeam = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                  case 2:
                      if specificMatch.div is not None and specificMatch.div.a is not None and specificMatch.div.a.contents is not None and len(specificMatch.div.a.contents) > 1:
                        matchObject.GoalsLocal = specificMatch.div.a.contents[0].text
                        matchObject.GoalsVisitor = specificMatch.div.a.contents[1].text
                  case 3:
                      matchObject.VisitorTeam = specificMatch.contents[0].text
                  case 5:
                      matchObject.Referee = specificMatch.contents[0].text
              matchObject.Division = division                                    
              count = count + 1
      if (matchObject.Day != '' and matchObject.GoalsLocal != '' and matchObject.GoalsVisitor != ''):
          status = matchObject._Save()

As you can see, we have imported the IRIS Python library that allows us to use classes defined in our Namespace, in such a way that we can populate our database directly from the Python method. With this simple method we can now recover all the data we need in a simple and agile way.

This web scraping functionality can be very useful for integrations of closed systems in which no other way of interconnection is possible.

I hope that this functionality can be useful to you and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write a comment.

Thank you for your attention!

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