· May 12, 2016 2m read

NewBie's Corner Session 1 Installing Caché

NewBie's Corner Session 1 Installing Caché

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Session 1 - InterSystems Inc. allows you to download a single copy of Caché to your personal computer at no cost. This is available from  It is at this link: You will first need to register yourself with InterSystems. Follow the instructions on how to download the install file. Choose the full version of Caché, not the Client Components.

After you have downloaded the Caché install file, double click on the executable (*.exe), and let it run taking the default answers for all the questions. You will be asked for two passwords, remember these, you will need them later. Your username will be your username on your computer.

Once the installation is complete, a small cube will appear in your system tray.

The Caché Cube                   mhtml:file://C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\Read\Using%20Caché%20on%20Windows.mht!http://localhost:57772/csp/docbook/images/gsa_cube.png

Click on the Cube and you will see the following menu:

  • Getting Started – this will take you to the InterSystems website, Getting Started with Caché
  • Start Caché – start the Caché Instance
  • Stop Caché – stop the Caché Instance
  • Studio – platform upon which to develop your software
  • Terminal – platform upon which to run your software
  • Management Portal – numerous items for managing the Caché Instance
  • Documentation – InterSystem's Documentation on Caché other products by InterSystems
  • Remote System Access – accessing a system remotely
  • Preferred Server
  • About
  • Exit

On some PCs, the small bluish cube did not show up in the system tray. It could be that the cube is there but hidden. There should be a down arrow on the left side of the system tray. Click on it and you should see the cube which you can bring to the visible part of the system tray.

If the small bluish cube did not show up in the system tray, it could be that the cube is there but hidden by your system tray. There should be a down arrow on the left side of the system tray. Click on it and you should see the cube which you can bring to the visible part of the system tray.

You will get an email from InterSystems welcoming you and showing you the starting web page of their documentation.

--Mike Kadow

If you have a comment, please respond through the InterSystems Developer Community, don't send me private email. Unless of course you wish to address me only.

See NewBie Index for an index of all NewBie Corner posts.

Discussion (11)1
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Mike - thanks for posting this for everyone's benefit!  One minor point though - is this a Question (as you created it) or an Article?  Is there anything  you are asking specifically? (I don't know that there is a way for you to change it to an article at this point but you should note the difference for next time).

I do want to let everyone know that they can rely on the link  always pointing to our evaluation kit download application (even if the rest of the website is rearranged).  That is an application managed by my team and it intended to always be accessible through that entry point.  

Hello everybody!

Two times reinstalled Cache from CachePCkit_x64 file, but Cache cube didn't appear anywhere.

Toshiba P55W-C with Windows 10 home. 

As far as I understood I could it start manually by going to


and issuing 

cstart TRYCACHE - to start Cache Db

cstop TRYCACHE - to stop it.

I can see running server and get connected to the Db via CacheStudio. 


1 - How to get connected via Terminal?  

2 - Is there any "getting started" manual on code manipulation in Cache? (In old-fashioned style of "Hello World!" example)

3 - Why "Cache cube" - did not appear after installation?  

4 -  When I click on C:\InterSystems\TryCache\bin\cache.exe it shows pop-up window with a message: 

<Cache startup error. Cache not up (2)

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.


Cache ObjectScript and MUMPS gives what I believe a good start from the beginning of MUMPS and ObjectScript. You can get it from or if you like saving money you can get it for $10 off from:

For more information or to purchase the book, go to and enter a 
discount code of ZMEJ3F5M for a $10 discount from $39.95.

While there is certainly no harm in following the procedure Mike describes, InterSystems recommends consulting the documentation (in this case before and during your Caché install, especially if you plan to keep the Caché instance around for specific purposes. For example, understanding the implications of choosing a security level, of 8-bit vs unicode, of whether to run Caché under the local system account or under other credentials, and so on before making these decisions is very useful. And having the background information provided is generally helpful in understanding and working with Caché.

All of the latest Caché and Ensemble documentation is always available at, and by using the Search function here on Developer Community as well.