· Sep 13, 2019

New Video: JSON and XML persistent data serialization in InterSystems IRIS

Hi Everyone!

New video, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

JSON and XML persistent data serialization in InterSystems IRIS
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Need to work with JSON or XML data?

InterSystems IRIS supports multiple inheritance and provides several built-in tools to easily convert between XML, JSON, and objects as you go. 

Learn more about the multi-model development capabilities of InterSystems IRIS on Learning Services sites.

Enjoy watching the video!yes

Discussion (3)1
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Can confirm that the %JSON.Adaptor tool is extremely useful!  This was such a great addition to the product.

In Application Services, we've used it to build a framework which allows us to not only expose our persistent classes via REST but also authorize different levels of access for different representations of each class (for example, all the properties, vs just the Name and the Id).  The "Mappings and Parameters" feature is especially useful:

Also, @Stefan are you writing backwards while you talk?  That's impressive.