Installing IRIS in Linux
Hi Guys,
We are planning to move our system from windows to Linux and I never used Linux before and all I know that is another operating system, so the new server has Linux which looks like just terminal session like Dos and as I ran "uname -r" command to check for the version in it shows some like "6.1.112-124.190.amzn2023.x86_64".
So for the available IRIS distribution and can only found versions for Ubuntu and Red Heat, so do I have to either install one of them to be able to install & run IRIS?
ideally I would prefer to work in a user friendly version not a terminal version of Linux and my understanding that Ubuntu is the most popular so do I have to install the latest Ubuntu on the top of the current existing Linux?
You can select from a number of Linux vendors/versions for an AWS installation. I would recommend you select Red Hat or Ubuntu rather than Amazon Linux; InterSystems officially supports those.
In my experience Red Hat is the more stable/compatible version and is the most widely used for IRIS implementations.
You would not install Ubuntu or Red Hat "on top of" Amazon Linux; you would select the Linux flavor when creating your EC2 instance.
Only issue that we have seen with Red Hat, is that patches/updates are not dynamic enough and most of the time require a reboot of the server.
Ubuntu is worse in that respect, at least in my experience ... I run Ubuntu on a bunch of systems in my home office. Seems like every update requires a reboot. At least with Redhat you have more granular control over what updates are installed.
it looks like you are on AWS and you selected an AMI, most probably the default one, that offers AWS Linux distribution. It is a downstream of Fedora. We don't support it officially so pick and AMI with Ubuntu and Red hat.
wrt context: you'll find that in general the cloud runs on Linux. You'll get used to automate procedures with scripts and a plethora of tools that are available in the industry like bash, Terraform, Ansible or any tool of your liking.
Thanks Guys