· Sep 22, 2018

How to open Cache studio on Mac OS


I am running terminal on Cache on a Mac High Sierria and going through the ObjectSript tutorials.

However there is no instruction on the Intersystems website as to how to open Studio.

Does anyone know how this is done?


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Studio is a windows only based tool. Could bootcamp or vmware / parallels a windows version. Intersystems had sunset new development on Studio and was migrating to an Eclipse based environment using a plugin (Atelier) that would allow you to compile classes and the like, but it may have also been sidelined after the just released 1.3 version for Eclipse Photon. (I am using Atelier on my Mac with Photon)

For what its worth: Cache is a great blend of database and programming language if you stick with it, but they don't make it easy, that's for sure. COS (Cache Object Script) is beyond fast and flexible (perhaps too much so) for achieving things that would take forever in standard RDBS. i.e. Don't give up ;-)


You need to setup a connection to every workspace in VSCode.

Place your mac file into any folder. Preferably into 


Then open this /testproject/src folder in VSCode.

Then go to VSCode Preferences and find CachéObjectScript settings section. It is what is used by default. If your current project differs from the default (e.g. another server connection or namespace) place it into UserSettings section on the right. Like it is shown in this gif:

You can check the connection in Output window of the terminal with name cos. 

Or you can just try to save any file - it tries to compile on save and will popup you the results.


Apologioes for these basic set up questions, I have done as you've said but cannot achieve same.

I have created a directory /Desktop/Programmes/COS/ and saved a test.mac script . I have opened Visual studio, selected file - open workspace and navigated to said directory. If I then select Code-Prefernces-Settings I get a different menu in Settings, not User Default Settings  as displayed in your GIF, I cant seem to find a option for CacheObjectScript settings or a  menu resembling yours at all, Id send an image but screenshot is on my desktop and the image loader takes url so not sure how this works! 

Few questions, Ciaran, just to be sure:

1. Is it Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code you are testing? "Это две большие разницы, как говорят в Одессе" - this is different, as we say in Odessa ;)  We need the second product.

2. Could you send the screenshot of your mac routine? it should be highlighted as ObjectScript.

3. What is the version of the plugin? Mine is 0.3.6: 

Hi, Yes its VS Code Version 1.27.2 (1.27.2) and I am using same extension ver 0.3.6.

I  Ive managed to change user Settings for ObjectScript extension as suggested - cos.con.ns="USER" and I have opened a cache session in VS Code Terminal window.

So next question is how do I compile my test.mac in VS Code terminal?

PS I would send an image but I don't know how as the image loader asks for a URL, images are on my desktop and will not load.

PS I would send an image but I don't know how as the image loader asks for a URL, images are on my desktop and will not load.

Yes, this is "not obvious", but there is a image upload button. 

Here it is.

After loading it worth to apply image settings button to provide a reasonable width (300-700px).

So next question is how do I compile my test.mac in VS Code terminal?

There is a hotkey Ctrl+F7 as in Studio. But I prefer auto-compile on Save. it's not a default option so turn it on in preferences: