· Jan 9, 2023

How to apply Late Binding and Early Binding for a data transformation

Hi Community,

Can anyone explain how to apply early binding and late binding to a transformation.


I have DOB value as 12/12/2000

In transformation i need to format  DOB value to 20001212-->this value i can achieve by using  $E(DOB,7,10)_$E(DOB,4,5)_$E(DOB,1,2)

<assign value='source.{MSH:7}' property='target.{MSH:7}' action='set' />


But how can i apply early binding and late binding to the above Data tranformation?

Product version: Ensemble 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.1 (Build 312_1_18937U) Fri Apr 26 2019 17:58:36 EDT
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