· Mar 4, 2016 1m read

Getting my head around a class model

There's plenty of goodness in the %-packages InterSystems supplies, and it seems that every new version of Caché brings something new. The browser-based class documentation (a.k.a. Documatic) generally provides a good level of information, but on the basis that "a picture is worth a thousand words" I sometimes want a diagram.

For example, when trying to navigate the %Dictionary package for a project that needed to find out about class definitions, here's one of the UML class diagrams I created.

It was generated from a 2008.1 system using Umlanji to extract the data from Caché and Enterprise Architect to produce the diagram. There were several other UML modelling tools I could have used, including the open source ArgoUML.

For the full-size PNG file, click on the image above.

Who else uses UML class diagrams in their Caché Objects development work? Any tips to share?

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