· Jun 9, 2020

Determining response from Business Process with Response From set

So we have a custom business service that we use and we are calling SendRequestSync.

Set tSC=..SendRequestSync(tOneTarget,tTargetStream, .tResponse)

For our response from our custom business operation, we send back an Ens.StringResponse.

set pResponse = ##class(Ens.StringResponse).%New()
set pResponse.StringValue = "File Delivery: "_tOutFilename_" of size: "_pRequest.Stream.Size_" (modified='"_pRequest.Stream.LastModified_"')"_" Status: "_tSC

So now we are trying to use Rules to pass the the messages to certain destinations with a normal business process of EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine with Response From set.

In order to make sure we get multiple responses, we put a + at the front of our Response From list.

So now the problem is that I can see our response make it back to the Business Process.  However, there is no "response" that comes back from the Business Process to the Business Service (shown below).

I see the reference to our response in MessageBodyId.

How do I get that information so I can go back and get my response that was sent into the Business Process?



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Hi Tim,

Assuming you are extending EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine, does this work for you?

Mentioned briefly here.

Class User.MyRouter Extends EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
Method OnPrepareReply(request As %Persistent, ByRef response As %Persistent)
  Set response=##class(Ens.StringContainer).%New()
  Set cnt=$this.%ResponseList.Count()
  For i=1:1:cnt {
    Set messageHeaderId=$this.%ResponseList.GetAt(i)
    Set messageHeader=##class(Ens.MessageHeader).%OpenId(messageHeaderId)
    Set messageBody=$CLASSMETHOD(messageHeader.MessageBodyClassName,"%OpenId",messageHeader.MessageBodyId)
    Set response.StringValue=messageBody.StringValue_"|"_response.StringValue
