· Aug 1, 2019

Constraint Editor Business Rule Source

Hello Community,

For the Business Rules in a process i want to use a constraint where source could be FromA or FromB.

But looks like the constraint does not allow multiple source values.

Is there a way to provide multiple source in Constraint? Or is there a way in Rules to identify the Source ?


Jimmy Christian

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I've noticed this as well, it seems you have two choices:

  1. Duplicate the rule using a different source on the new rule.  
  2. Ignore the source and use other parameters in the message and/or use a rule function to decide on the routing of the package.   
    • Your class should Extend  Ens.Rule.FunctionSet 
    • For example your functioin could use a lookup table to decide your routing

With the use of functions you might be able to accomplish exactly what you want.
