· Jun 29, 2021

Composite primary key


How can I define  composite primary key in Cache?


Product version: IRIS 2020.1
Discussion (6)4
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I agree with Herman - to a point. Leave the IDKEY index alone and just accept the system assigned idkey. In most cases this is the best policy. But - there are potentially several "candidate keys", all can be defined - or not, but one can be chosen to be the "primary key". In that case, define the key not as unique but as "primarykey". Some tooling works better with a defined primary key. It does not interfere with the IDKEY unless it is also defined as the "idkey".

One note - many use cases that call for a composite primary key in a typical boring database would be good use cases for a parent-child relationship in IRIS. This provides nicer features from an object/SQL perspective (e.g., using arrow syntax / implicit joins instead of explicit joins on the composite key fields). See: