· Sep 24

Can VS Code Objectscript extension work with Cody (Sourcegraph) extension?

hi everyone,

I'm trying to make some use of AI to help with coding. To achieve this I've moved to VS Code linking to a cache instance, and installed the "Cody" extension from Sourcegraph that talks to Claude Sonnet.

In theory Cody can view, and send to the AI, the file I'm currently editing. However, it does not seem to "see" Cache server items, and only works for stuff in ordinary files that I have open. Is this an issue with "isfs" ("InterSystems File Service" that implements the "filesystem provider API" )? Is anyone else using Cody or any other AI extension successfully?



Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.8 (Build 765) Wed Mar 1 2023 14:05:16 EST
Discussion (3)2
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"isfs" stands for InterSystems File System. It is an implementation of VS Code's FileSystemProvider API which enables extensions to provide virtual filesystems.

More information near the end of the page at

I suggest you ask the Cody extension authors whether they support FileSystemProvider-sourced documents.


I've asked the Cody people about this, and they replied:

Cody can only recognize files that are directly in the repository. So files outside the repository won’t be fetched as context. The InterSystem ObjectScript extension does not seem to put the documents in the repository, but in its own local storage.  

However, I'm surprised that Cody can’t at least see the contents of the current edit window or retrieve currently selected text. Surely it doesn’t pull data from a file system for those? Cody must call a VS Code API, which you would assume would know how to return the current text regardless of where the original is stored.

Maybe InterSystems have not configured FileSystemProvider correctly to allow for other extensions to request document info? I'm well out of my skill set here. Just guessing.

Whatever, I can see that the Cody supplier is going to assume it's InterSystems fault, and InterSystems will point back at them.  So I'm back to copy and paste in and out of Claude.  :-)
