· Oct 16, 2023

Cache portal showing wrong status for FAilover DR. although actually its getting replicated.

It appears to be working correctly, mirroring data etc. but the status on the Primary Cache DB is showing the wrong status for the DR DB.

 re-configured Cache Mirroring BUt  still have the same issue afterwards.

The GUI display remains the same regardless.


From primary Cache portal

Mirror member MIrror TYpe Status Journal Transfer Dejournaling
X Failover Primary N/A N/A
Y Failover Backup ACtive Caught up
Z Async Down N/A N/A



Mirror member MIrror TYpe Status Journal Transfer Dejournaling
X Failover Primary N/A N/A
Y Failover Backup ACtive Caught up
Z Disaster Recovery Connected Caught up Caught up 

 How to resolve this ??

Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: 2018.1.2
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