· Oct 5, 2020

→ Convert an ORU_R30 2.3 to ORU_R30 2.5

Hello, we would need some help:

We would like to use a Transformation to convert an ORU_R30 2.3 to ORU_R30 2.5

However Ensemble does not have a HL7 Schema for ORU R_30 2.3

So then our original message is not being recognized:

→ How could we let Ensemble recognize the ORU R30 2.3 structure to be able to use a Transformation?

We have read:

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Hey Yone.

It doesn't look like There was an ORU^R30 in the standard until HL7 2.5, so that would explain why there isn't a schema.

Depending on your source, you might want to look at how the source system thinks it is providing you a v2.3 ORU^R30 as it's possible they're using the 2.5 schema and then incorrectly calling it 2.3 in the header.

If that is the case, you could create your own schema based off of the 2.5 ORU^R30 to match what you're receiving.