· Feb 18

Apache server .../temp/ does not exist, limiting Gateway functionality

I am using an Apache webserver on RH8, which is working fine. However, I get the following message:

Directory /opt/webgateway/conf/temp/ does not exist or has incorrect permissions. This will limit the Web Gateway's functionality.

The folder is indeed missing, but in what way is it limiting functionality?

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
Discussion (3)2
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I think this is where the cache is stored. I see one of the icons on the IRIS home page and the Cache File in the management portal matches exactly with the file name. Still confused as half of the webservers don't need this folder and seem to store it in /opt/webgateway/temp/. Exactly the same version/build.
I think this is a permissions issue as the ones who work out of the box, have apache:root as ownership of that folder, while the ones who don't have root:root.