· Jul 21

IRIS for Health / Developer version Interoperability Production page freezing

I have an Interoperability Enabled namespace, however, when I try to configure it for production, the Production Configuration page freezes, and, it does not show a listing of my Interoperability Enabled namespaces-

I ran into an issue trying to create new BPL and DTL items. I thought there may be an issue with the fact that my namespace was not cloned from the correct namespace (with all routines/globals/etc); or, that it was not enabled correctly for production, hence, 5002 errors. To try to clear those errors (when attempting to create BPL\DTL items), I attempted to configure the namespace for production. I don't know if I hit some kind of bug, with the install, but, it does not appear to work. Does anyone have any ideas?

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
Discussion (12)4
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$J 243984
$P |TCP|1972|243984
$Roles %Manager,%Developer,%DB_ENSLIB,%EnsRole_Operator,%EnsRole_RulesDeveloper,%EnsRole_WebDeveloper,%EnsRole_Developer,%EnsRole_Administrator,FSB_SQL_Portal,FSB_Analyst,FSB_Data_Steward,FSB_Admin
$S 2199021666888
$T 0
$TL 1
$X 485
$Y 578
$ZA 24576
$ZC 266216
$ZJ 2
$ZP 231436
$ZR ^%qMsg("%ObjectErrors","en-us",5540)
$ZS 2147483647
$ZTS 67042,65990.8937867
$ZU( 5) %SYS
$ZU( 12) c:\intersystems\irishealth\mgr\
$ZU( 18) 0
$ZU( 20) %SYS
$ZU( 23,1) 5
$ZU( 34) 156243492
$ZU( 39) %SYS
$ZU( 55) 0
$ZU( 56,0) $Id: //iris/2024.1.0/kernel/common/src/aclass.c#1 $ 183
$ZU( 56,1) 17032
$ZU( 61) 13
$ZU( 61,30,n) 196621
$ZU( 67,10,$J) 27
$ZU( 67,11,$J) CSP Gateway
$ZU( 67,12,$J) localhost
$ZU( 67,13,$J) CSPa24.dll
$ZU( 67,14,$J) SbJxvYT9ST
$ZU( 67,15,$J) ::1
$ZU( 67,4,$J) 0^0^0^0
$ZU( 67,5,$J) %STACK
$ZU( 67,6,$J) %SYS

Maybe the page is trying to display details of a previously-opened prodclass that is giving it a problem.

I suggest you use the %G utility in an IRIS Terminal in your namespace (INTERFACES?) to see what this lists:

Right margin: 80 =>
Screen size for paging (0=nopaging)? 24 =>
For help on global specifications DO HELP^%G
Global ^EnsPortal.Settings(,"LastProduction")
Global ^