· Mar 15, 2024

Local Web Gateway connecting to Docker Container Image

I am fairly new to using Docker, and instead of trying to get IIS, a Web Gateway, and Docker desktop working within my Windows environment, I thought I would try running it in a WSL2 Ubuntu environment since this is similar to how use it on my server. I have installed Apache and the Web Gateway on my WSL2 Ubuntu.

I went through Apache Web Gateway with Docker | InterSystems Developer Community however that is already bundled and requires TLS certificate setup which I don't care about since this is running locally on my machine. maybe I want to run different docker images depending on what I am testing...

So, if I am doing this separately, where the web gateway is not a docker image how do I get the Web Gateway to talk with the Docker image?



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Hi Scott,

I prefer to publish the superserver-port and call it from the webgateway via localhost. So when doing docker run you have to add "-p..." like

docker run -p 1972:1972 .......

which lets you connect to the superserver port via the same port on your host. When using docker compose just add 

      - 1972:1972

in the same ident as the "image" directive which does the same as docker run -p....

In the webgateway add a server configuration with "localhost" an port 1972. Btw.
You could use a different port on your host if 1972 is in use. Therefore you have to change the port after the colon. i.E. -p 1972:51972 to use 51972 on your host.

Hope this might help.