· Feb 13, 2024

Developer Community Release, January 2024

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Welcome to the January'24 Developer Community Release!

We've been really busy making our Developer Community an even more amazing place to be. Therefore we have lots of new updates for you to sink your teeth in:

📌 Nickname

📌 Credly badges

📌 Subscriptions

📌 Play/pause GIFs

📌 Auto tags

Let's have a closer look at all these wonderful updates!

Auto tags

We've harnessed the power of AI to help you with the Tags when creating posts. But don't forget that machines aren't as evolved as us humans, so please check what was suggested.


First of all, you can now use a nickname instead of your name and surname on the Community. The first step to do this is to set your Nickname in your profile. Moreover, you can even hide your name and use nickname instead! To change your profile info, just hover over your profile page and click on the Profile settings in the dropdown menu.

Bear in mind that changes may require up to 24 hours to take effect.

Credly badges

Secondly, we've improved the visibility of your Credly badges. Now everyone can see all of them on the main page of your profile after your Open Exchange applications.


Finally, we've completely rewritten the subscriptions page, hopefully making it more user-friendly.

If you're receiving the email newsletters, you must've noticed that we've changed the design. If not, maybe it's time to subscribe to email notifications ☺ You can subscribe to weekly, monthly, and yearly newsletters in your profile. 

To do exactly that, go to your Profile -> Subscriptions and set up your website notifications and email settings.

Play/pause GIFs

You asked, and we listened! Our awesome Developer Community developers implemented an idea from the Ideas Portal and now the GIFs in the posts have play buttons:

By default, GIFs are paused until you click the Play button.

That's it for now! Hope you like our updates!

See you next time 🤗

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