· Dec 26, 2022

MEMErizible Technology - Holiday Edition

A Minute Of Laughter on the Developer Community with #InterSystemsMemes.

Here is the Holiday edition of the memes sent/created by Developer Community members!

Enjoy the memes and don't forget to check our Winter Holiday challenges on Global Masters (available till Jan 2).

1. Meme author: @Udo Leimberger

2. Meme author: @Gabriel Santos 

3. Meme author: @Shareek Ahamed

4. Meme author: @A.R.N. H Hafeel 

5. Meme author: @Stanley Batista 

6. Meme author: @Caroline Vanderlee 

7. Meme sent by: @Craig Bishop 

8. Meme sent by: @Sarah Schlegel 

9. Meme sent by: @Jason Neate

10. Meme sent by: @Jackson Linzmaier

11. Meme sent by: @Aya Heshmat

12. Meme sent by: @Kevin Koloska

Happy Holidays!

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