· Jul 25, 2019

Working with enviroment variables


I've got similar question as I have mentioned here once. Itś about enviroment variables and getting their values into manifest.

Now a know, that I must use this method $system.Util.GetEnviron("")  but still if I try to use it it doesn't work. I need to set variable in file and then get that value into manifest. If I try this in terminal it works only for system variables as you can see, but it shoul normally works for user variables to or not?

I've tried this this syntax several times and it was working until I've reinstall my Ensemble instantion:

<Var Name="SYSPath" Value='#{$system.Util.GetEnviron("SYSPath")}'/>

So is there any possibility how to get user variable by this method into install manifest?

I will be glad for every help, now I'm quite confused.

Thanks a lot.


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