Hi Everyone!
InterSystems HealthShare is nominated for the Computable Awards 2019! The Unified Health Record that we implemented together with our partner Itzos in the St. Maartens Clinic has a chance to become the "ICT Project of the Year in Healthcare".
A great honour, but of course we also want to win. We need 4,000 votes! Therefore we'd like to ask you to vote!
The process of voting is a bit complicated, but we created a step-by-step guide to make it easier:
1. Register on → Computable website
2. You will receive an email from Computable with a link. Click on the link and you will get to the voting page.
3. Use CTRL/COMMAND + F to search for InterSystems on the page, or just scroll down to the award category near the bottom “IT project of the Year in Healthcare.” Vote for the second group:
4. Done? Awesome! You will get a "Thank you" email from Computable Awards.
We hope for you! Help InterSystems to win!
Please share, like and send as direct message to your customers, friends and prospects.
In addition, we prepare a special challenge to vote on InterSystems Global Masters Advocacy Hub. Please complete it and get a good amount of extra points.
Stay tuned!
For what it's worth, it looks like it's possible to vote without subscribing to any of the updates - I filled in my information, left all four subscription check-boxes blank, and selected "verstuur", and received an email with a link to vote.
Hi Samuel, this is such an awesome correction! Thank you!! I edited the instructions :)
Hi ,
I filled in my information, and received an email with a link to vote. and I have voted for Intersystems.
Hi Uthman,
Thanks for your support!
Hi Esther,
Thanks for your attention to us!
Thanks to all who voted for us, on behalf of the Benelux team!