· Feb 28, 2019

Indirection example does not work

Here's a simple indirection snippet. It fails with <UNDEFINED> error and I'm not sure why.

ClassMethod ind()
  kill info

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info



I'm getting this exception: <UNDEFINED>zind+5^test.Client.1 *active

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Quoting doc: "Name indirection, argument indirection, and XECUTE commands that appear within a procedure are not executed within the scope of the procedure."

Consider method:

Class Test.test [ Abstract ]

ClassMethod ind()
    kill info

    set active = 1
    set i="active"
    set @i = "global scope"



USER>do ##class(Test.test).ind()

 break }
USER 2d1>w

active="global scope"
<Private variables>

Notice private variables and public variables.

Working example:

Class dc.test Abstract ]

/// d ##class(dc.test).Test1()
ClassMethod Test1() [ ProcedureBlock = 0 ]
  new active,reactive,info,i
  kill info

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info

/// d ##class(dc.test).Test2()
ClassMethod Test2() [ PublicList = (active, reactive) ]
  new activereactive
  kill info

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info


The correct way is:

ClassMethod ind() [ PublicList = (active,reactive) ]
  new active,reactive

  kill info
 // the above command (kill info) is a kind of NOP (no-operation)
 // at the time of entry into a methode there are no variables,
 // except those in the public list (if defined)

  set active = 1
  set reactive = 2

  for i="active","reactive" {
    set info(i)= @i

  zw info


If you want to use name-indirection in a procedure block, then

- variables, used by indirection, must be made public (via PublicList)
- and, depending on the situation, should be saved with the NEW command