· Jan 17, 2018

How do i get the fist day of every month in objective scripting

 the start date must always
be the first day of the effective salary month.

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If you substract the current day-of-the month from the current date in $horolog format, you will end up with the first day of the current month in $horolog format :

Write $horolog - $zdate($horolog, 4) + 1

If your date is in another format, convert it using $zdateh/$zdate, see also :


Just a hint, I would take $ZD($h,2). For today, my development system (and systems at customers site) shows:

Write $horolog - $zdate($horolog, 4) + 1 --> 65925.93
Write $zdate($horolog,4) --> 20.07.2021
Write $horolog - $zdate($horolog, 2) + 1  --> 65926 // expected value

Later, this value (65925.93), as a $zdate() argument,  gives you an <ILLEGAL VALUE> 

For $zdate($horolog,4), the link you provided says:

4 DD/MM/[YY]YY (01/07/97 or 27/03/2002) — European numeric format. You must specify the correct dateseparator character (/ or .) for the current locale.