· Jun 15, 2017

Meet John Murray, InterSystems Developer Community Moderator

Hi, Community!

I'm pleased to introduce John Murray as a new Developer Community moderator.

John is constantly posting helpful articles and answering questions showing the great knowledge and experience in InterSystems technology.

Recently John kindly agreed to become InterSystems Developer Community moderator and joined InterSystems moderators team!

Here are some details John wants to share:

I am Senior Product Engineer at George James Software (, where I have worked for nearly two decades.

I have specialized in InterSystems technologies and their predecessors ever since my IT career began almost thirty years ago.

I develop and support tools covering design, development, and deployment including:

Yuzinji – code metrics, structure and dependency analysis.

Umlanji – UML visualization of classes.

Deltanji – rule-driven versioning, process control, deployment and auditing across the software cycle.

Serenji – rich code editing and unrivaled debugging, including at Ensemble message level.

We also provide consulting, programming and support services. 

Our tools are designed specifically for people working with InterSystems products. We are immersed in the technology we build for, and we use the tools we create. Our services focus specifically on the InterSystems community.

I like to learn new things, solve problems, and assist people. So I'm pleased to have been invited to become a DC Moderator.

I live in London, UK.

Thank you and congratulations, John!

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