· Apr 8
DynaTree problem

Hi Guys,

Any Idea on how can make a dynaTree with 4 levels hierarchy (attached), I'm using the below code but sometimes works and other cases it doesn't?

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Some of our integrations use a system DSN to interact with our Data Warehouse (built on Microsoft SQL Server). We've recently migrated from SQL Server 2016 to 2022 and on the day of go-live we changed DNS cname records as a mechanism for redirecting everything to the new server. This worked great for users and reports, but for some reason we found that HealthShare clung onto the old server name even after several days.

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· Apr 18
Question about IAM

I was not able to get IAM working on my Development Server because of issues with creating volumes as a Non root user, so I opted to run it within Docker on my WSL Ubuntu locally. I was able to get it running, however the Workspaces is empty, and the Dev Portal is not enabled.

At this point do I need to sign up for the free Kong Konnect? or what are the next steps?



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It is probably somewhere in the doc. So hard to search. Hope InterSystems going to AI on their community/support data.

How to see a meaningful value in management portal - sql explorer. For instance
Class MySetting Extends %Persistent{
Property Name As %String;

Class MyObj Extends %Persistent{
Property Setting As MySetting;

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